Resilience Engineering
Workshop: Fundamentals of Joint Cognitive Systems
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Workshop: Fundamentals of Joint Cognitive Systems

by Laura Maguire and John Allspaw

The video titled "Workshop: Fundamentals of Joint Cognitive Systems" presented by Laura Maguire and John Allspaw at RubyConf 2021 focuses on the principles of Joint Cognitive Systems (JCS), which emphasize human/machine collaboration in environments with high automation. The workshop highlights how shared cognitive efforts can enhance the way software engineers think about their roles and interactions with complex systems.

Key Points Discussed:
- Introduction to Joint Cognitive Systems: The workshop introduces the concept of JCS, which relates to how humans and machines collaborate more effectively rather than simply distributing tasks.
- Importance of Cognitive Work: All work is fundamentally cognitive; understanding this allows professionals to improve how they design and deploy technology. The speakers argue that automation can create additional risks if not carefully considered.
- Distributed Work Across Agents: The discussion emphasizes that work is increasingly shared between humans and machines, necessitating effective communication and collaboration between both parties.
- Real-World Examples: The presenters utilize historical examples from high-risk industries, such as the B-17 bomber pilots and the Three Mile Island incident, to illustrate how design failures can impact human performance and decision-making.
- Cognitive Work in Software Engineering: Engineers need to understand the nuanced interactions between themselves and the tools they use; cognitive workload can be affected greatly by alert systems and how they communicate information.
- Enhancing Automation Design: There are characteristics that make machines better collaborators through improved design, including cognitive aids that enhance human judgment rather than hinder it.
- Joint Activities in Complex Systems: The presenters explain how understanding the dynamics of teamwork and coordination among multiple agents (both machines and humans) is critical for successful outcomes in high-pressure environments.
- Case Studies and Practical Exercises: Participants engage in hands-on exercises to explore cognitive work, alerting systems, and the implications of shared cognitive responsibilities in real-time scenarios.

Conclusions: The workshop encourages participants to:

- Reflect on their own practices and the role of cognitive work in their environment.

- Embrace the concept of joint cognitive systems to enhance team dynamics and system design.

- Recognize the importance of knowledge sharing and the implicit cognitive load in collaborative tasks, especially when coordinating responses to incidents.
Overall, the workshop aims to shift perspectives in the software engineering community towards a more integrated understanding of human and machine interactions for greater resilience and effectiveness.

00:00:10.480 Thank you very much. We are very excited to present this workshop to you today.
00:00:15.759 It's a bit of an experiment in and of itself. We have a vast body of knowledge to cover.
00:00:21.760 We’ve distilled that down to what we think are the fundamentals for you as software engineers.
00:00:28.720 As Penelope said, this is a very interactive workshop, so we're going to have you turn and chat with people in your groups.
00:00:33.920 Then we have Daniella and Ty who will be running some microphones around at the outset.
00:00:38.960 I wanted to start off by getting a sense of who is in the room.
00:00:44.960 We do have to do this little dance of not getting too close to each other.
00:00:51.840 So, is anyone here a site reliability engineer or an on-call engineer?
00:00:57.600 Okay, well raise your hand if you've ever been on-call.
00:01:02.879 This will work; this is going to work.
00:01:07.920 It's fine if you haven't been on-call. That's totally cool.
00:01:14.240 I just wanted to get a sense—do we have any marketing, product, or customer folks in the room?
00:01:20.799 Great! We have a representative voice. Excellent!
00:01:27.119 All right, sweet. Well, let's get into it.
00:01:34.960 So, who are we? I am a researcher with
00:01:40.560 I've been working in high-risk, high-consequence industries for most of the last 15 years.
00:01:46.079 My interest in software came about during my doctoral program at The Ohio State University.
00:01:52.079 I came from an industry where things were very dramatic. There was a lot of high speed, high pressure, and adventure.
00:01:58.240 When I was first told I was working in software, I was like, 'What? Really?'
00:02:03.920 As I started to get more involved in understanding what you all do, I realized that this is actually the quintessential occupation.
00:02:09.119 To really understand cognitive work and to really understand what we’re going to talk about here today: joint cognitive systems.
00:02:15.760 I’m going to pull in examples from different industries and kind of draw that through line for you.
00:02:22.400 My name is John Allspaw. Like Laura mentioned, I became addicted—enamored—with seeing connections.
00:02:29.040 I come from a software background with an infrastructural bent.
00:02:34.400 In my early career, I worked in a bunch of different places.
00:02:41.040 None of that background is particularly interesting, so I don't want to spend too much time on it.
00:02:47.280 The point I want to get across is that workshops like this—and talks that touch on similar themes—are all part of what I'm pretty confident is a slow, but needed shift in the industry.
00:02:53.680 What we will talk about today is so closely related to what you all experience that we sometimes don't pay much attention to it.
00:02:58.959 I will describe that later.
00:03:04.959 I think we should also mention that we met at Lund University in the Human Factors and Systems Safety Design program.
00:03:10.879 I was struck by the similarities between the work I was doing and the things John was seeing in the software world.
00:03:16.879 This was almost ten years ago, and we are both still continually learning.
00:03:22.239 We are continually surprised by what we find when we actually look closely at people doing real work in real-world contexts.
00:03:28.560 It’s remarkably sophisticated, and it is fascinating.
00:03:34.400 But it is a long journey. Our goals for what we want to accomplish here today is to act as coaches.
00:03:40.800 Just as if you spent two hours on the pitch, you might know some of the movements, you might know some of the plays, but you won't necessarily bend it like Beckham.
00:03:46.800 So, we want to set that expectation right off the bat.
00:03:52.320 What we are doing here is challenging some of the paradigms—some of the ways that you've been thinking about.
00:03:58.800 How you develop technology, how you deploy it into fields of practice, how your users interact with it, and how you interact with the tools you have.
00:04:05.680 At the end of the day, we hope you walk away with questions and a lot of interest in pursuing this further.
00:04:10.720 This is an experiment that we see as a mission.
00:04:16.000 We have two hours to talk about a core concept that touches every part of an entire field of engineering.
00:04:23.360 Though it is not very well known, the bar is significantly high.
00:04:30.080 If we do our job here, and you all are into it, you might actually leave somewhat disappointed or slightly unsatisfied.
00:04:38.559 In that, you will want to know more because we simply can't get to it.
00:04:45.440 Still, I believe that’s a win for us.
00:04:53.440 One of the things I want to correct is that we are going to talk about multiple interacting fields.
00:05:00.800 Some of which you may have heard of, and others you may not.
00:05:07.440 We will talk about how many people in the room actually know what resilience engineering is, or have heard the term.
00:05:14.080 Okay, how many of you have seen something on Twitter, or have heard some talks at different conferences?
00:05:22.239 What we're going to do is break down these connections between these different fields and how they relate to software engineering.
00:05:29.840 As we were discussing this, we thought about how to make these connections for people.
00:05:36.480 We want to avoid getting into nerdy academic talk.
00:05:43.200 John had a really good example.
00:05:50.560 So, see this green bit here? This smaller circle—joint cognitive systems—is a core idea.
00:05:57.680 Everything within the multidisciplinary field of cognitive systems engineering relates and connects to it.
00:06:02.400 Think of it a little bit like this: if you’re familiar with the field of statistics.
00:06:10.640 Is all of it about normal distributions, averages, mode, and median? No.
00:06:15.200 It’s certainly a core part of it.
00:06:22.880 It would be very weird to talk about statistics without having that as a bit of a framing.
00:06:29.760 This workshop isn't on cognitive systems engineering because we don’t have time.
00:06:36.160 Laura just spent a dissertation on it.
00:06:41.120 So we’re just going to focus on this little bit.
00:06:46.960 Does that make sense?
00:06:54.000 We wanted to give you a bottom line upfront.
00:06:59.440 At a very high level, these are the core concepts we will discuss.
00:07:05.680 The first point is that all work is cognitive work.
00:07:12.639 We will break this down a little bit more and discuss what it means to perceive change in events in your world.
00:07:18.320 What does it mean to make sense of those changes?
00:07:24.560 How do you assess the meaning and implications of that change as it's happening?
00:07:30.080 The second core point is that work is always distributed across different agents.
00:07:36.640 In the joint cognitive systems world, we will predominantly discuss how cognitive work is shared.
00:07:42.080 This thinking involves both machine agents and human agents.
00:07:48.320 So, when I talk about machines, I am using that interchangeably with automation or various forms of artificial intelligence.
00:07:54.320 The level of analysis we will look at is cognitive work at this level.
00:08:01.080 The third piece is that these machine coworkers can sometimes be unhelpful.
00:08:07.200 They don’t always help you and can sometimes be slightly frustrating or catastrophic.
00:08:13.439 Lastly, we can design and develop these systems of work for greater safety, productivity, and overall more resilient and robust systems.
00:08:19.680 I think we are at a disadvantage because I didn’t manage to get the computer to make the next slides.
00:08:26.240 So now I have no idea what’s going to come next.
00:08:34.480 Well, we wanted this to be an interactive workshop, so we have a series of exercises.
00:08:40.160 First, we want to understand what a joint cognitive system is.
00:08:46.640 Imagine that it’s the end of your day.
00:08:51.200 You know the dog has been taken for a walk, or you’ve finished dinner.
00:08:57.760 You’re all set to settle down and go to bed.
00:09:03.080 Then you receive an alert of some sort.
00:09:10.320 You look at it and it looks something like this.
00:09:15.680 I want to ask you a question, but first, I want to see if you will humor us.
00:09:22.240 We would love to come up with two tables for a group.
00:09:29.600 We could have one, two, three, four teams.
00:09:34.960 I want you to spend a couple of minutes talking about this question.
00:09:40.160 You just received this page alert.
00:09:47.520 What do you think you would do next?
00:09:52.560 That’s it! Yes, granted, there is lots in here.
00:09:59.680 We want you to talk with your neighbors about what might occur to you in this hypothetical world.
00:10:05.680 So, spend two minutes talking about anything that comes to mind.
00:10:10.240 Sounds like you all have some ideas to discuss.
00:10:18.160 Of course, you might be saying, 'I don’t know what the hell is happening or what the story is here.'
00:10:25.040 How do we want to do this? We will have Daniella and Ty in the front and back.
00:10:32.480 If you have something to say, raise your hand, and they will run over.
00:10:38.000 What would you do next? What’s an idea that came to you?
00:10:44.800 A brave soul in the back for the first.
00:10:51.200 You checked for urgency? How quickly has this become a problem? How quickly is it going to become a bigger problem?
00:10:58.480 Can I ask you just real quick, how do you check for urgency?
00:11:05.280 Hopefully, I’ve got something that has charts showing how much free space or other issues.
00:11:10.480 Excellent! What else? Any other ideas?
00:11:17.000 Being a DevOps, maybe I would go back to sleep.
00:11:23.520 Excellent! Legit! We have someone in the back.
00:11:29.760 I would ask why we are getting this notification at 99%, not sooner.
00:11:35.520 I’d probably recalibrate that.
00:11:41.760 There’s never been a film where you’re like, 'Why is this not fitting?'}
00:11:48.080 You said that historical context might matter, like if we’ve seen this alert before.
00:11:56.000 We'd react differently depending on our history with it.
00:12:02.160 I actually thought the same thing because now it's warning.
00:12:08.400 We have a warning, which means this may be something we don’t care enough to do anything about.
00:12:14.640 Or someone has been ignoring it for too long.
00:12:20.320 So, do you just go back to bed?
00:12:26.480 Probably.
00:12:33.760 This is excellent! Thank you! Anyone else?
00:12:39.360 I would probably log into Web 121 and make sure it’s not a false positive.
00:12:45.840 Some forms of verification, yes.
00:12:53.920 This is excellent. They all did a great job.
00:12:59.760 So, I have a question for you.
00:13:05.600 If this was your human colleague who phoned you up in the middle of the night and just told you this and then hung up, how happy would you be with them?
00:13:14.320 This is fundamentally what we’re talking about.
00:13:21.119 When we discuss joint cognitive systems, is your colleague your machine colleague performing well?
00:13:27.839 It can be both irritating and also confusing.
00:13:33.840 Sometimes, it's a mild inconvenience, while at other times it can be deadly.
00:13:39.199 This stuff truly matters and increases in importance.
00:13:45.440 As we enhance the speed and scale of critical digital infrastructure, we move more of society's core functions into the cloud.
00:13:52.640 So, here's where we will go.
00:14:01.280 We've already gone through one of the exercises.
00:14:07.760 Now John is going to talk a little about how this thinking developed and give you some background.
00:14:14.080 There are 40 years of literature and studies in high-risk, high-consequence type domains.
00:14:21.440 That’s where we draw a lot of this theory and knowledge from.
00:14:28.320 We will deep dive into what cognitive work is, so we can break that down a little more.
00:14:35.200 We will do another exercise there and then explore—if we have one machine and one human.
00:14:41.680 Is that a different interaction than multiple machines and humans?
00:14:46.960 Spoiler alert: it is!
00:14:53.680 Then, we’ll have you undertake a little activity.
00:14:59.760 We want to understand how we think about distributed cognition in these types of scenarios.
00:15:06.720 Now, I'll do an extremely abbreviated and cherry-picked history starting around World War II.
00:15:12.440 In 1943, the US Army was like many large organizations.
00:15:18.880 It was fashionable to think about hiring people.
00:15:24.560 You could, in the process of hiring, work out what they were good at.
00:15:31.280 So, you could fit the person to the job.
00:15:38.480 At that time, the B-17, the most advanced military apparatus, was known as the 'Flying Fortress'.
00:15:44.000 The issue in '43 was that they were crashing.
00:15:51.840 This was not the case of being shot down or being in battle.
00:15:58.239 They would land on runways, and about halfway down, the landing gear would retract, and they would belly flop.
00:16:06.560 This seemed to be a significant issue, often with bombs still onboard.
00:16:13.040 This was happening with enough frequency that the army was concerned.
00:16:20.160 It couldn't be the planes because they were amazing.
00:16:26.560 It had to be something about the pilots.
00:16:34.560 I'll show you a picture of what these planes looked like.
00:16:41.320 They brought in Alphonse Japanese, one of the first engineering psychologists.
00:16:48.960 The army said, 'We have all the pilots here for you to interview.'
00:16:55.680 He asked to see where they work.
00:17:01.600 They brought him to a cockpit.
00:17:08.000 When he arrived, he pointed out a design flaw.
00:17:14.080 The flap control, which is what you need for slowing the plane, was installed right next to the landing gear control.
00:17:22.640 He asked about the other planes, like the P-47.
00:17:27.680 Its controls were in different places entirely.
00:17:33.440 As it turned out, most accidents happened with pilots who had previously flown the P-47.
00:17:39.440 So this helped to inform design to prevent accidents.
00:17:45.040 To this day, you can see the distinctions in flap controls and landing gear controls.
00:17:52.720 As a key insight, James Reason said that we can't change the human condition.
00:17:58.640 However, we can change the conditions under which humans work. This was groundbreaking.
00:18:05.200 This perspective enabled future studies of human factors.
00:18:12.080 Safety can be encoded into technology.
00:18:19.440 Accidents can be avoided with more automation.
00:18:25.600 Procedures can be precisely specified.
00:18:32.800 Operators need to follow the procedures to get work done.
00:18:40.400 In aviation and nuclear power, there’s a running joke that it only takes a dog and a human to run an aircraft carrier.
00:18:48.000 The human feeds the dog, and the dog makes sure the human doesn't touch anything.
00:18:53.440 This notion persisted in that humans are better at certain tasks, while machines are better at others.
00:19:01.600 This lasted until March 28, 1979, a significant date.
00:19:09.040 Those who know about the Three Mile Island accident know how pivotal it was.
00:19:16.480 This completely flipped our understanding of how humans make decisions.
00:19:22.000 I won't go into the details of the accident, but it changed the game.
00:19:28.320 Safety and cognitive work are better understood through the lens of automation.
00:19:34.240 Automation introduces challenges and risks but is necessary.
00:19:41.120 Rules and procedures can’t guarantee safety by themselves.
00:19:47.840 Raise your hand if you work somewhere that has run books.
00:19:53.920 Raise your hand if you think you could follow these procedures exactly and not have a bad time.
00:20:00.400 Many won’t, as the procedures rarely match reality.
00:20:06.320 Methods for risk rely heavily on human error categories, which often fail to represent how things actually are.
00:20:14.560 Linear models of accidents, like dominoes falling, also fall short, leading to misunderstandings.
00:20:23.280 In the mid-80s, scholars came together following the fissures revealed in Three Mile Island.
00:20:30.640 They articulated the concept of a joint cognitive system.
00:20:37.840 The kernel of this involves two perspectives.
00:20:44.560 First, people using technology have a mental model of the technical system.
00:20:51.680 They understand its functions, limitations, how it fails, and how to respond.
00:20:58.080 In turn, the technical system also has a model of the user.
00:21:05.040 That model dictates how well that system supports the user.
00:21:12.080 This perspective shift is pivotal.
00:21:18.960 This brings us to today’s landscape.
00:21:26.000 But frankly, I have a qualm with how this is often presented.
00:21:32.640 That's why I'm standing here; there's much legacy residue from these old models.
00:21:39.840 As a researcher, I have many opinions about where the industry is today.
00:21:47.920 I would like to survey you in the room about how you feel your organization handles these concepts.
00:21:54.640 How many believe their company thinks accidents can be avoided through more automation?
00:22:01.200 Kind of maybe a few on the fence.
00:22:07.680 How many feel your company thinks it is necessary but also introduces new challenges?
00:22:13.120 Great! That's inspiring to see!
00:22:18.760 What about the idea that everything can be put in run books if documentation is up-to-date?
00:22:26.080 I want to talk to you later.
00:22:32.879 Remember this is your company's view, not your own.
00:22:39.120 Rules and procedures are always underspecified.
00:22:46.919 What about engineers having to just follow the procedures?
00:22:53.679 Nice! Okay, a few in the back.
00:23:01.279 As we are discussing these views, I think it’s important for us to recognize that every organization faces these gaps.
00:23:06.879 What kinds of support do you have? It’s crucial to recognize them.
00:23:15.919 We will begin to make the case for nurturing those gaps and opportunities.
00:23:20.960 We want to take a look at broadening our perspectives on joint cognitive systems.
00:23:28.160 And our understanding of the complex nature of systems, which have many inherent challenges.
00:23:34.960 This further emphasizes the coordination needed among multiple interacting agents.
00:23:40.880 If we already know who is engaged in this interaction, we can push others to support the system.
00:23:49.480 It doesn’t have to bear all the load.
00:23:55.919 One takeaway from today is recognizing the role of different agents in problem-solving.
00:24:03.039 The collaboration of multiple actors brings numerous benefits.
00:24:09.760 The performance of the system improves through their interactions.
00:24:16.080 Collaboration helps bridge gaps between humans and machines.
00:24:24.080 As we explore lessons learned from both successful and unsuccessful events, we recognize that improvement is necessary.
00:24:30.800 Persistent gaps highlight the need for adaptive solutions.
00:24:38.240 We can enhance cognitive dynamics in shared systems.
00:24:45.440 To thrive, we must strategize to achieve collaborative comprehension.
00:24:51.920 We cannot ignore the realities we face.
00:25:00.080 Understanding the substantial nature of our challenges can lead to better outcomes.
00:25:06.239 In articulating what we must overcome, our explanations become more joyful.
00:25:12.240 Presenting the costs of cognitive work can help us understand its complexities.
00:25:18.080 Being conscious of like workloads assists us in delegation.
00:25:23.680 That awareness iteratively helps improve performance across an organization.
00:25:30.080 In moments of uncertainty, learning about others’ experiences is vital.
00:25:43.040 So, at the end of the day, what are some general conclusions?
00:25:48.960 Recognizing the models we engage with in shared cognitive systems is incredibly valuable.
00:25:55.760 You see now the importance of collaboration in the systems we engage with.
00:26:03.760 As you move forward in your work, we encourage a newfound understanding of how to embark on problem-solving.
00:26:12.000 Thank you, we welcome any follow-up questions or clarifications you require.
00:26:20.000 Feel free to reach out to us regarding any concepts we covered in today’s workshop.
00:26:29.000 Thank you once again for your participation!
Explore all talks recorded at RubyConf 2021