As a Language, Can We Make Ruby as Signficant as Latin, Ancient Greek or Sanskrit?
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As a Language, Can We Make Ruby as Signficant as Latin, Ancient Greek or Sanskrit?

by Malcom Arnold

In this presentation, Malcolm Arnold discusses the potential for Ruby on Rails to achieve historical significance akin to that of Ancient Greek, Latin, or Sanskrit. He argues that various global and social forces are converging to create a unique opportunity to leverage Ruby on Rails for positive social change. Key points of his argument include:

  • Youth Demographics: With 50% of the world’s population under 30, particularly in regions like Africa, there is a bulging youth demographic that, if empowered, could drive cultural change.
  • Economic Disparity: Arnold highlights the unprecedented wealth disparity globally, linking it to social unrest and the potential for conflict, which Ruby on Rails could help mitigate by fostering better opportunities.
  • Efficiency of Ruby on Rails: At 75% more cost-effective than many other programming languages, Ruby on Rails stands out as an effective tool for developers seeking productivity.
  • Cultural Significance: Historically, programming languages have faded due to a lack of culture and community. Arnold stresses the importance of creating a vibrant community around Ruby on Rails that cultivates values and ideas that transcend technology.
  • Ruby Nuby's Initiative: Arnold introduces Ruby Nuby, a program targeting low-income youth, which encourages collaboration between students from diverse backgrounds to create a supportive environment for learning Ruby on Rails and other technologies. Participants also engage in community development and entrepreneurship through camps and workshops.
  • Sustainability Goals: Emphasizing the need for a socially responsible tech community, he outlines goals for gender balance and inclusivity in the tech space, aiming to build leaders who can drive societal change through technology.
  • Future Prospects: Arnold envisions a system where education is tailored to community needs without financial burdens on participants, promoting a cycle of generosity and community investment.

The conclusion reinforces the idea that, with the right mindset and actions, Ruby on Rails can become a lasting force for good, helping to build a community that values sustainability, diversity, and social justice. Arnold calls for civically engaged individuals to spread the word and participate in creating a brighter future through shared technological progress.

00:00:08.420 Thank you.
00:00:19.520 Good afternoon, everybody. My name is Malcolm Arnold, and I want to talk to you about how we can make Ruby on Rails as historically significant as Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, or Latin.
00:00:31.920 In the next three to eight years, there will be a once-in-a-planet-time occurrence, an opportunity that will never happen again.
00:00:43.559 This force is converging right now at an unprecedented level.
00:00:49.140 Fifty percent of the world’s population is under the age of 30. In Uganda and Kenya, it's 50 percent of the population that is under the age of 18.
00:01:00.539 There are also shifting gender percentages globally. In China, India, and Pakistan, you’ll find ultrasound clinics where people can choose the gender of their child, and predominantly, they are choosing males.
00:01:12.840 There’s a theory that when the population is larger at the bottom, particularly among youth, and there is a bulging youth population, it may lead young men to go to war.
00:01:21.240 What we see is the greatest disparity in wealth that has ever been seen in the world. I was planning on doing this talk, and certain things have happened in the past week, such as the riots in London and also in Israel, which are changing not just with the revolution but also in terms of what they are protesting.
00:01:39.180 These riots are indicative of deeper issues, and there are other forces at play, including mobile banking, mobile money, and global internet connectivity.
00:01:54.300 Africa is coming online in the next three to eight years. Another force is that Ruby on Rails is 75 percent more cost-effective than other programming languages.
00:02:10.800 I was talking to Stefan Pesci from Constant Contact, and we are applying for a grant. He mentioned that Ruby on Rails is 75 percent more cost-efficient.
00:02:29.340 What do all these forces have in common? How can they be leveraged for social good? These forces are converging right now, and as I said, in the next three to eight years, there will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
00:02:44.280 In the past, there have been opportunities that changed everything: the worldwide adoption of oil, Edison with the light bulb, and Gates with the computer. Those who recognized these one-time opportunities created immense wealth.
00:03:07.920 What will the next opportunity look like? All previous ones will seem tiny in comparison. Oil and electricity are still not used down to the village level. The next major event will be the worldwide adoption of complex computing backed by the cloud, accessible via low-cost mobile devices with internet connectivity, down to the village level.
00:03:26.959 The previous dot-com boom was based on 3000-dollar computers and 56K modems that connected only a fraction of the planet.
00:03:39.840 The real boom will utilize affordable mobile devices, allowing small players to compete.
00:03:50.399 People couldn’t afford 3000-dollar computers before, but now they can engage.
00:03:55.920 I apologize, as I had some technical difficulties last night while preparing for this talk, and my computer crashed.
00:04:10.380 However, this period could be the catalyst for immense wealth for a privileged few or for positive social change and distributed wealth.
00:04:26.220 Ruby on Rails is far more productive than other languages, and we can build more community than other languages.
00:04:50.399 However, it's important to acknowledge that many programming languages have died out. We only care about certain languages because of the culture and community they created.
00:05:19.380 The civilizations and their monuments may have turned to dust or been destroyed, but it is their ideas and cultures that transcend time.
00:05:40.920 We do not care about languages that have died. Ruby on Rails is currently at risk of facing the same fate. Our applications may not withstand the test of time.
00:06:04.560 I want to ask you: what lasting values, ideas, and culture have any particular programming language created? Can you name any? Those in the community for a long time, what culture do we want to create?
00:06:22.880 I want to invite you to raise your hands if you believe that the Ruby on Rails community has more culture and community than other programming languages.
00:06:40.340 We are at a critical stage of growth, and I encourage you to look around at your fellow attendees. Who do we see here? Let’s take note.
00:07:05.960 Are there any female developers here? Please raise your hands. Look around. And how many people of color do we see?
00:07:18.680 What kind of community do we want to create? Are we going to be able to cultivate a lasting community if we are predominantly white men?
00:07:32.160 We must consider how we can leverage these forces for social good, and what kind of community we wish to create.
00:07:49.920 In a prior debate, the president of an online institute discussed the notion of a social contract and his skepticism of community responsibility.
00:08:05.520 He argued that people should only care about their own interests, echoing Milton Friedman’s beliefs. What culture are we promoting within the Ruby on Rails community?
00:08:20.040 Let me share a little about my background. I was a Russian interrogator, a counterintelligence agent, and a military intelligence officer. I learned how to wage war strategically.
00:08:35.040 I often wondered about the underlying reasons behind wars and conflicts. Perhaps if leaders received more compassion within their communities, we might not have seen the emergence of figures like Hitler and Stalin.
00:08:49.020 What if our communities were more connected, sustainable, and equitable? Would that have prevented certain conflicts?
00:09:10.680 Several years ago, I began contemplating a unification theory for humanity, aiming to bring together existing religions, agnostics, atheists, and influential economic leaders.
00:09:25.320 Currently, we are engaged in an infinite game on a finite planet, scavenging for resources while others climb the metaphorical mountain.
00:09:40.620 A thousand years from now, our intentions will matter less than the results of our actions. While the road to hell may be paved with good intentions, the health of our planet will only care about our outcomes.
00:10:03.300 Did you know that 43 percent of university entrants do not graduate? The average graduate carries $27,000 in student loan debt and $4,000 in credit card debt. In emerging markets, youth struggle with educational financing through microfinance, often leading to tragic outcomes.
00:10:34.740 Imagine an educational system where entry fees are only effort and collaboration. If someone drops out, they owe nothing. Schools’ health and wealth are tied to the lifelong well-being of their community, and they provide debt-free education.
00:10:54.120 This produces better global citizens. The wealth generated would become a community development fund, promoting social good from the grassroots level.
00:11:14.880 Ruby Nuby begins with Ruby on Rails and eventually teaches other technologies. We partner low-income youth with private school students who pay for our courses.
00:11:39.720 They study until ninth grade and then go to Ruby Nuby camp, which includes collaboration and mutual learning about each other's communities.
00:11:59.880 At the camp, we host startup competitions, where aspiring entrepreneurs pitch their ideas for locally grown businesses. Some spots are specifically reserved for musicians, artisans, and chefs.
00:12:14.520 This approach economically develops the arts while placing the best developers as mentors to low-income youth.
00:12:33.240 The youth have the opportunity to work during the summer and part-time during the school year, gaining hands-on experience and understanding corporate cultures.
00:12:51.600 By the time they graduate high school, they become intermediate developers. We ask companies to provide scholarships so youth can work during the day, while attending classes at night.
00:13:10.200 If participants drop out, they owe nothing. But if they secure careers, we request a voluntary five percent tithing for life, which ultimately strengthens the community.
00:13:26.520 Ruby Nuby is focused on career creation while teaching entrepreneurial skills to promote positive changes.
00:13:46.020 We strive for gender balance, hoping to have diverse groups studying and working together and pair programming to build mutual understanding and tolerance.
00:14:06.660 Agile Activism is the non-profit arm of Ruby Nuby that partners with experienced developers to tackle local and global issues and contributes through open-source projects.
00:14:20.880 Newbies will intern with NGOs and contribute code. We also plan rapid deployment teams for crisis situations.
00:14:35.520 Together, Ruby Nuby and Agile Activism create a community valuing sustainability and social justice.
00:14:56.640 The antithesis of these values often leads to conflict and violence. We need to advocate for equal access to resources, especially education.
00:15:28.680 When disparities exist, it breeds discontent. Diversity of thought and action is essential, provided it does not infringe upon others' rights.
00:15:50.880 We promote sustainability and friction reduction through conflict resolution during training.
00:16:03.960 About 25 to 35 percent of our training time emphasizes these values, as we aim to connect the community better.
00:16:30.510 Our goal is to create better global citizens and a new form of capitalism based on community.
00:16:56.880 If we do our job right and participants succeed, the voluntary tithe will become significant, fueling further community development.
00:17:17.160 This process allows us to reinvest in local communities while making social good align with self-interest.
00:17:48.540 In our efforts, we will support those who have volunteered for organizations and contribute to their success during unfortunate circumstances.
00:18:04.380 Tragedies such as Hurricane Katrina remind us of our responsibility to help rebuild communities, which strengthens our social net.
00:18:30.420 Ruby Nuby and Agile Activism are part of a larger vision called Waging Peace, aimed at transforming society over 15 years.
00:19:10.920 We cannot solve conflicts, but we can address them over future generations.
00:19:35.880 Our community-based capitalism focuses on sustainability and equity. Our educational approach aims for just-in-time learning, ensuring applicants receive education precise to their needs.
00:20:05.640 Our plan is to prioritize relevant education that aligns with career paths, thereby ensuring efficient placement into jobs after schooling.
00:20:23.880 We advocate that students should study what they need when they need it, not completing a four-year degree with outdated knowledge.
00:20:54.480 We aim to create community centers staffed by local members that operate 24/7 and can double as performance and training spaces.
00:21:10.920 These centers will also include kitchens to teach culinary skills and promote healthy eating.
00:21:33.600 Much like South by Southwest, we will incorporate technology and video production skills, empowering youth to produce content.
00:21:51.300 We aim to grow rapidly by utilizing the structure of the Olympics as a model for community investment and collaboration.
00:22:28.920 As we raise funds, we will leverage that with larger organizations, ensuring that local efforts receive the support they need.
00:22:46.320 What I promise to our community is that every contribution maximizes social return and investment.
00:23:06.059 We currently have a growing team, comprised of contributors and instructors from prestigious institutions like New York University.
00:23:31.440 Our initiatives have already garnered feedback from over 800 members, and our video contest participation received notable recognition.
00:24:01.740 Our funding has primarily come from community contributions of time and effort. Next year, we aim to launch a social learning network accessible at the village level.
00:24:27.420 By the end of the year, we plan to open community success centers in various regions, with global expansion in mind.
00:24:53.880 Our intensive training will focus on empowering women as instructors, flipping the current dynamics of the tech industry.
00:25:40.440 We encourage engagement from those who wish to volunteer and support our goals, including funding for trips to Africa.
00:26:04.560 To spread our mission, we invite companies to sponsor us and help design relevant curriculum.
00:26:32.400 We are looking for expertise in developing learning management systems that suit our goals and security.
00:27:03.780 If our mission resonates with you, I encourage you to initiate your own project. Social good can be a core component of every organization.
00:27:40.380 Thank you for the opportunity to present today. Are there any questions?
00:28:16.740 What is the simplest way for people to get involved? Simply spread the word. We also plan to start online training sessions.
00:28:46.140 If you're interested in starting a local chapter, please talk to me, and we can figure it out together.
00:29:04.020 Starting a chapter involves using platforms like Meetup. We must also navigate through the legalities of working with youth.
00:29:16.920 We are conducting our initial teacher training without youth participation to solidify our model.
00:29:34.260 Currently, our teaching methodology requires collaborative learning methods, such as pair programming.
00:29:54.960 Instructors guide students as they engage in building technology businesses.
00:30:06.180 Participants contribute an hour of volunteer time to work with Ruby Nuby to secure their spot in the course.
00:30:23.640 In our program, they will learn and contribute as part of pair programming activities.
00:30:40.800 We anticipate that this inclusive environment will reduce conflict and increase collaboration.
00:31:02.160 Through partnerships with universities, we develop flexibility to learn topics pertinent to desirable technology careers.
00:31:25.260 Our approach allows students to navigate their learning paths, tailoring them for immediate relevance.
00:31:45.060 We must be sensitive to local cultural norms when designing impactful educational programs.
00:32:06.420 Diversity is crucial, and we aim to foster an inclusive environment through intentional cultural engagement.
00:32:28.140 When we approach different communities, we are committed to co-creating solutions that reflect their values.
00:32:50.460 We strive to align our initiatives with local needs while respecting their cultural nuances.
00:33:14.280 Thank you once again for the opportunity to share this vision. Let's work together towards a brighter future.
Explore all talks recorded at LoneStarRuby Conf 2011