Command Line Interface (CLI)

Building maintainable command-line tools with mruby

Building maintainable command-line tools with mruby

by Eric Hodel

The video titled 'Building maintainable command-line tools with mruby' features Eric Hodel discussing the advantages and methodologies of utilizing mruby and mruby-cli for creating lightweight command-line tools. Hodel, a Ruby committer and maintainer of many gems, highlights several key concepts throughout his presentation:

  • Introduction to mruby: Mruby is a lightweight implementation of Ruby, allowing developers to deploy Ruby in environments with limited resources. This makes it particularly suitable for building command-line tools that can run without the need for extensive user setup.

  • Transitioning from CRuby to mruby: Hodel discusses his experience migrating a command-line tool from CRuby to mruby, emphasizing the ease of creating a single binary executable with mruby's CLI capabilities. He outlines that while mruby offers many similarities to CRuby, developers must be cautious due to differences in the standard libraries and the absence of certain globals, which may require adjustments during the porting process.

  • Building and Testing with mruby-cli: He explains the process of using mruby-cli to manage dependencies and compile applications for multiple platforms (Linux, OS X, Windows). Hodel notes key aspects of the build system, including structured rake tasks and the challenges of cross-compiling external C libraries.

  • Development Patterns and Documentation: Hodel stresses the importance of maintaining clear documentation within command-line tools, which simplifies understanding and enhances user experience. He presents a design approach inspired by RubyGems, where subclasses help organize commands and associated tasks effectively.

  • Challenges Faced: Various challenges are noted, including debug difficulties due to inaccurate stack traces, testing setup complications, and the learning curve in adapting to the differences between mruby and CRuby. He provides recommendations for future improvements for both mruby and mruby-cli, like better documentation, refined backtrace accuracy, and enhanced integration processes.

  • Conclusion and Key Takeaways: Hodel concludes with the perspective that mruby CLI allows Ruby developers to leverage their existing knowledge to build efficient command-line tools without needing to learn a new programming language. He urges developers to consider adopting mruby for its capacity to maintain clean and manageable command-line solutions.

This comprehensive overview emphasizes not just the technical capabilities of mruby, but practical insights towards making command-line tool development more accessible and maintaining high software quality.

00:00:00.000 Hello, welcome to the talk on building maintainable command-line tools with mruby. I'm Eric Hodel.
00:00:06.690 In this presentation, I will discuss working with mruby and mruby-cli.
00:00:12.230 I am a Ruby committer, a RubyGems committer, and the author of many gems.
00:00:18.359 Currently, I’m on vacation from these responsibilities. Instead of working on Ruby in my free time, I've been spending a lot of time making shelves like these.
00:00:25.500 This particular one is still a work in progress, and I'm trying to fill in that little gap there.
00:00:31.740 I work for Fastly, a real-time content delivery network. This is our website, featuring Gordo, one of our amazing Fastly office dogs.
00:00:38.940 Fastly supports open source, including hosting the Ruby Lang website and all the Ruby gems, including their downloads.
00:00:45.860 We also have a Japanese Twitter account at Fastly Japan, so you can follow us there.
00:00:51.930 In part one, I will cover a bit of the background on what mruby is and what mruby-cli is useful for.
00:00:59.570 My exploration of mruby and mruby-cli started with a web API wrapper.
00:01:05.339 We were building a new product at Fastly that involved new APIs, and I wanted an easy way to interact with them.
00:01:12.150 This would allow me to demonstrate that the APIs are usable.
00:01:20.009 So, I thought, why not choose mruby to write the wrapper?
00:01:27.180 When we want to release something with CRuby, the user has to install the right version of CRuby.
00:01:32.970 This is necessary for them to use the specific features they want. In addition, they also have to install any gems that they depend on.
00:01:39.810 Then, they need to maintain those gems and inform others to update them as long as they are supporting the tool.
00:01:45.780 This process can be daunting and involves a lot of work for users.
00:01:52.380 mruby is very similar to CRuby, which allows us to start with a prototype in CRuby, port that code over to mruby, and then maintain it with less work for the users.
00:01:59.640 So, what makes mruby more suitable for this type of work?
00:02:05.729 mruby is a lightweight Ruby implementation, meaning you only need to use the parts of mruby that you require.
00:02:13.230 This helps keep your project smaller and more manageable.
00:02:21.390 It is also designed for embedding, which means you can run Ruby on low-resource hardware.
00:02:27.019 This includes devices such as Arduino or Lego Mindstorms, as well as robots and set-top boxes.
00:02:34.080 Moreover, you can embed it in other software, which is much easier than trying to embed CRuby.
00:02:41.879 Similarly, mruby has libraries linked to gems, but it ships with a limited standard library.
00:02:48.750 You can use gems to build your standard library to resemble that of CRuby.
00:02:56.250 There are also standalone mruby libraries, some of which are C extensions. For instance, there's a C wrapper for the curl tool called mruby-curl.
00:03:01.340 Given there have been many talks about mruby, I recommend checking them out if you're interested.
00:03:07.739 At this year’s conference, there were three other talks about mruby, including one tomorrow. You can find recordings of all these talks on the Ruby Kaigi website.
00:03:14.640 Since mruby is compiled, unlike CRuby, you might wonder how to get started with it.
00:03:20.540 The first step is to edit your build configuration.
00:03:25.970 Unlike CRuby, where you can load any gem at any time, with mruby, you must select which pieces to use in advance.
00:03:31.310 You also choose which mruby gems to use and specify which compiler to use, especially for cross-compiling.
00:03:36.930 mruby-cli utilizes this setup to build for multiple platforms, and you must indicate the library paths to link any C libraries.
00:03:44.069 In fact, you can compile many builds for various platforms in a single step.
00:03:49.319 If you are writing an mruby gem, you will fill out a mruby gem specification, which goes into the mrb file.
00:03:55.760 mruby CLI applications also utilize the mruby gem specification, allowing you to easily specify dependencies, executable names, and test files.
00:04:00.810 The mruby gem specification is where the metadata for your gem resides, including dependencies and binary specifications.
00:04:09.660 The metadata consists of the gem's name, version, license, and other relevant details.
00:04:17.010 So once you have these files configured, you run rake to build the binaries, executables, and libraries.
00:04:25.169 Upon completion, you will find all the executables in the bin directory.
00:04:31.740 With mruby-cli, your CLI team will have a built-in mruby executable, which you can use to write simple scripts or perform little tests.
00:04:37.830 There will also be an mruby test executable, which is the test runner for your unit tests.
00:04:45.150 The ultimate goal of mruby CLI is to allow Rubyists to build single-file executables in a familiar environment.
00:04:50.700 Last year, Terrence Lee and Zachary Scott gave a talk about mruby CLI, showcasing the basics of the tool and how it works.
00:04:56.820 I encourage you to check that out for a more extensive overview.
00:05:03.600 The basic description of mruby CLI is that you can write Ruby and release software on Linux, OS X, and Windows.
00:05:09.360 The typical development loop when using mruby CLI begins by writing some mruby code.
00:05:14.580 Then you compile the code you’ve written, run the tests, and revisit the coding process if your tests don't pass.
00:05:21.360 Once all your tests are passing, you can release your executables.
00:05:26.640 When I first learned about mruby and mruby CLI, I anticipated an easy transition.
00:05:34.400 However, I knew that some challenges might arise due to the differences in Ruby implementations.
00:05:39.420 To begin with, mruby is not equal to CRuby; the implementation doesn’t support everything you would do in CRuby.
00:05:46.110 The first issue I encountered was related to the modular standard library.
00:05:52.140 Core classes in Ruby, such as String, Array, and Hash, are very limited in mruby.
00:05:59.430 They only support the minimum number of methods you would need.
00:06:05.610 To get the full CRuby experience, you need to add extension gems, such as mruby-array-ext.
00:06:12.690 When you develop your own mruby gem, it can be easy to forget to add these dependencies.
00:06:18.210 You might be using the features without realizing the gem isn't included, leading to errors when you try to use it elsewhere.
00:06:24.330 Additionally, mruby has a smaller language feature set compared to CRuby.
00:06:30.510 Outside of the preloaded library, there are no predefined globals such as load path.
00:06:35.700 Everything is compiled, so none of the globals inherited from Perl or shell scripts exist.
00:06:40.950 Some libraries you may wish to port over to mruby might depend on these globals, which necessitates workarounds.
00:06:47.790 I also encountered difficulties with your document support when porting a library from CRuby.
00:06:54.120 While I haven't reproduced the bug yet to file a good report on it, there are limitations.
00:07:01.020 While keyword arguments can be used to call methods, you can't define methods that automatically check for them, unlike CRuby.
00:07:07.290 Additionally, some gsub replacements don't function in mruby, so you may need to adjust your regular expressions for them to work.
00:07:12.990 The backtraces in mruby have appeared less useful than those in CRuby.
00:07:19.920 There is an issue where the backtrace line number may sometimes be off by one or two lines.
00:07:25.680 As a result, when exceptions occur, you must be particularly careful in verifying the source of the error.
00:07:31.980 It felt like I had to do much more exploring in the C sources than I did with CRuby projects when an exception is raised.
00:07:39.210 However, I’m not sure if that stems from unfamiliarity with mruby or another reason.
00:07:46.100 There are many pure Ruby libraries already written in CRuby that you might wish to use in mruby to simplify your work.
00:07:55.100 Overall, porting from CRuby to mruby is relatively straightforward, but you must be aware of the restricted syntax.
00:08:02.870 Unfortunately, porting tests is much more difficult due to differences in the testing frameworks.
00:08:09.890 The gems for mruby feel reminiscent of Ruby 1.6 libraries, largely because fewer people have actively contributed to build up mruby libraries.
00:08:17.290 As a result, you'll often have to spend time hunting for a library that suits your use case or submit patches to get libraries to work.
00:08:25.100 So far, I've submitted patches to the guruma regular expression library, the curl wrapper, and the HTTP client.
00:08:30.950 Additionally, I’ve made multiple patches to mruby-cli.
00:08:37.100 The last challenge I want to discuss for mruby is getting build information from it.
00:08:42.000 Since mruby is compiled, it needs to link in C libraries to compile successfully.
00:08:49.779 With mruby-cli, you often need to cross-compile these C libraries with the correct C compiler, which can be complex.
00:08:55.130 It's challenging to obtain information on which compiler to use for successful cross-compilation from the build system.
00:09:05.100 I believe improving this aspect will make mruby's build system more flexible, but I haven't attempted to fix it just yet.
00:09:12.980 I like mruby CLI; it was a new tool for me, and it took some time to learn the best usages.
00:09:19.500 Several larger challenges arose with it, the first being Docker.
00:09:27.550 The mruby CLI build system is built on Docker, which allows it to cross-compile for Linux, OS X, and Windows right out of the box.
00:09:34.840 However, I found Docker rather clumsy to use for this purpose.
00:09:40.640 Typically, Docker is used to run long-lived services, while mruby CLI only needs the container running for the duration of compilation or testing.
00:09:47.180 Yet, despite its limitations, Docker appears to be the best option since there’s not much that needs to be done to get started.
00:09:53.320 To initiate a build for your command line tool, all you need to do is run 'docker-compose run compile'.
00:09:59.890 However, this command is quite lengthy and cumbersome to type, even for someone familiar with their shell history.
00:10:06.000 Additionally, debugging compile issues from outside the container can be challenging.
00:10:12.820 You have to start a shell inside Docker, determine the commands being run, and then execute those to reproduce any errors.
00:10:18.530 When working in a Docker shell, it's harder to access your usual development environment and your shell history is lost.
00:10:24.360 As a result, fixing problems becomes more complicated.
00:10:32.260 The primary challenge I faced with mruby CLI was the build system.
00:10:39.930 Most issues stemmed from the way tasks are organized.
00:10:47.130 Currently, the tasks for building your mruby CLI executable and the mruby library are mixed together within a single rake command.
00:10:53.670 This setup complicates the addition of your own custom tasks and their appropriate execution.
00:11:00.520 For example, before compiling mruby-curl, the mruby C library must be built and installed across all platforms.
00:11:07.410 However, achieving this by default is quite challenging.
00:11:14.050 To address these challenges, I made improvements to the build tasks.
00:11:20.680 The first improvement was separating the building of mruby from other Docker tasks.
00:11:27.090 This allows me to cross-compile C libraries at the correct time.
00:11:34.170 The second enhancement involved creating a rake file that exists outside Docker.
00:11:40.300 This file starts Docker for me and helps perform additional tasks that do not require Docker and are easier to debug.
00:11:46.500 The restructured build system runs rake three times.
00:11:53.160 First, the outer tasks execute tasks that do not require Docker, which then starts Docker for the inner tasks.
00:11:59.220 The inner tasks perform any necessary cross-compilation and set up before the mruby build process initiates.
00:12:05.250 The outer tasks facilitate downloads of mruby, iterative compilation, and set up global tests.
00:12:15.080 When it comes time to release, all the tasks are executed in a familiar development environment without extensive Docker debugging.
00:12:21.190 The inner tasks that run within Docker cross-compile the specified C libraries and then call Rake again to compile mruby and run tests.
00:12:27.780 Further benefits stem from these changes, as it is now simpler to incorporate hooks for custom tasks.
00:12:32.720 There are defined phases of the build, making it straightforward to add additional functionalities.
00:12:39.690 I can also speed up test execution by compiling only for the host platform during the testing phase.
00:12:46.350 There’s generally no need to build for every platform since I can run my tests on the host's Docker platform.
00:12:54.080 You will likely need a C library as a dependency in your mruby gem project.
00:13:01.070 In that case, there are two options available for including C libraries.
00:13:08.640 The first is static linking, which embeds the external library inside your executable, maintaining a single file executable.
00:13:15.110 The advantage here is that you don't need to provide instructions for installing the correct C libraries to use your tool.
00:13:23.780 However, the downside is that if any security vulnerability is found in that C library, you may need to re-release the gem.
00:13:29.740 Static linking also increases the size of your executable.
00:13:37.160 The second option involves dynamic linking, making vulnerability management easier.
00:13:44.660 If there’s an exploit, the user should update the C library, and all applications using it would be updated automatically.
00:13:50.220 This means less responsibility falls on you as the CLI author.
00:13:57.470 However, the downside is that you lose the single-file nature of your tool and must provide installation instructions.
00:14:03.940 Another challenge I faced with mruby CLI was cross-compiling the C libraries.
00:14:11.380 mruby CLI can cross-compile executables for six different platforms.
00:14:18.210 This means the C library dependencies need to be compiled for each of those platforms as well.
00:14:25.000 For example, for libcurl, you can't simply install the libcurl development package inside Docker.
00:14:31.030 Doing so would only work for your host system and not for macOS or Windows.
00:14:37.820 Instead, you have to download the source, unpack it, and then cross-compile it using the correct cross-compiler for every platform.
00:14:44.650 After that setup, you will configure mruby to use the different cross-compiled libraries you have built.
00:14:51.390 To assist with automation, I created a small tool that automates cross-compiling dependencies.
00:14:58.280 You can configure the library to cross-compile by providing a few parameters, such as its name and the source directory.
00:15:04.440 The release name is used to create the source directory, as libraries do not always use consistent naming.
00:15:10.670 You can also set a URL to fetch the source from and configure flags, like disabling OpenSSL if it's not needed.
00:15:16.670 In part two, I will discuss the origins and structure of the command line tool.
00:15:23.700 My exploration of mruby CLI began with a tool for our customer support team to configure the new service we were developing.
00:15:30.640 Our service was, and still is, API-only, meaning there’s no web UI.
00:15:38.180 The service has a complicated setup, so I wanted to automate common use cases to reduce errors.
00:15:44.440 I also wanted a tool that our customer support team could send to customers to ease the burden of supporting the service.
00:15:52.790 The solution to these problems was writing a tool that automates setup, validates user inputs, and minimizes errors.
00:15:59.290 This tool would also provide design feedback on our APIs, fostering improvements.
00:16:05.890 Before exploring mruby CLI, I started with prototypes in CRuby.
00:16:13.400 The initial prototype was a single-file script that primarily served as documentation.
00:16:20.310 It was easy for me to write, and customer support could modify it for their needs.
00:16:26.840 However, it lacked flexibility to handle all their API interactions.
00:16:32.880 As customer support's need grew, I split that script into multiple ones, each with its specific purpose.
00:16:39.420 For instance, I created scripts to list options, perform initial setups, and enable or disable features.
00:16:46.490 These changes created a more flexible architecture and were well-documented for future modifications.
00:16:52.420 Finally, I extracted a couple of classes for reuse, including a basic implementation for our JSON API and one for argument parsing.
00:16:59.080 These modular components streamlined the use of commonly shared arguments across many commands.
00:17:06.230 What lessons did I learn from these prototypes?
00:17:14.060 First, documentation within the tool is imperative.
00:17:20.290 We had not yet budgeted time for service API documentation, so the command-line tool documentation proved useful.
00:17:26.970 It turned out that roughly half the lines in the scripts were comments, enabling our support staff to understand what the tool did.
00:17:33.030 They could then suggest improvements that would make their experiences better.
00:17:40.020 Keeping the scripts simple increased overall understanding. None of the scripts required external dependencies, making installation easier.
00:17:46.350 Most scripts were small with well-defined purposes, and large scripts were acceptable for automating significant actions.
00:17:54.560 However, managing these scripts became quite challenging.
00:18:02.360 Our development environments ran an older Ruby version that lacked keyword arguments, making scripts harder to read.
00:18:09.660 Customer service would also write their tools based on the existing documentation, leading to multiple independent versions.
00:18:16.190 This made support difficult for both the teams.
00:18:23.490 Due to these challenges, I started investigating a switch to mruby CLI to reduce the maintenance burden while keeping quality high.
00:18:29.570 I decided to build my command-line tool using a pattern from RubyGems.
00:18:36.230 The subcommands for my CLI are implemented as subclasses of Subcommand, similar to those in RubyGems.
00:18:42.640 Both utilize OptionParser to parse command line arguments.
00:18:50.120 In the API, there are two methods; a setup method for defining the command line options and an execute method for running the command.
00:18:57.190 For example, if we have a command to list conditions, the setup method would require a service and version, while the execute method fetches and displays them.
00:19:04.320 To implement this in mruby, I ported OptionParser from the CRuby standard library.
00:19:10.350 I chose this since it was familiar, well-documented, and offered features such as automatic type checking and argument completion.
00:19:16.030 This reduces the amount of code I need to handle to verify arguments.
00:19:23.780 Additionally, OptionParser provides shell completion as a standard feature.
00:19:29.920 For API requests, I evaluated several HTTP libraries and chose mruby-curl, as it seemed the most mature.
00:19:36.230 This library supports both HTTP and HTTPS, essential for our production systems.
00:19:43.390 It enables persistent connections, optimizing the speed of HTTP requests.
00:19:50.440 The only downside is the libcurl dependency, which must be cross-compiled and linked.
00:19:56.460 As for testing, two mruby gems stood out: mruby-test and mruby-mtest.
00:20:02.380 mruby-mtest provides a library for assertions, while mruby-test runs all test cases.
00:20:09.040 Although using these gems is simple, setting up the test cases has been a pain.
00:20:15.990 Testing became the most frustrating aspect of building the command line tool.
00:20:22.510 Testing is crucial for maintaining quality software; however, I faced many adjustments due to the unfamiliar environment.
00:20:28.100 The mruby-mtest gem operates similarly to MiniTest found in CRuby.
00:20:34.150 You create a subclass of the test class, write test methods, and ensure to run the test suite at the end.
00:20:40.600 There's no at_exit hook in place, so you need to ensure a final test run.
00:20:47.170 In mruby, tests aren't executed directly using myrb; you must use the mruby-test gem, which provides a test runner.
00:20:53.040 Unlike CRuby, where each test file operates under a single Ruby VM, each test file in mruby gets its own Ruby VM.
00:21:00.170 This arrangement gives complete isolation between various test files.
00:21:06.580 The design of the test runner poses some complications.
00:21:13.100 Creating a global test helper requires preloading test setup in your mruby gem specification.
00:21:19.410 I didn't discover this until recent days, and it has hindered getting things right.
00:21:26.570 Moreover, there are complications with Docker; mruby CLI uses Docker Compose.
00:21:32.950 However, most documentation I found focuses on the standalone Docker command.
00:21:38.330 It took time to figure out how to set up DNS records so the tests could communicate with local development services.
00:21:45.990 Although I would have preferred to mock these services out, that would mean writing all the setups in mruby.
00:21:53.400 This would create significant trade-offs.
00:22:00.270 Lastly, running tests in mruby CLI is notably slow, as it compiles all platforms beforehand.
00:22:07.070 This makes the feedback loop lengthy when implementing small changes.
00:22:14.000 To counter the global test setup issue, I preferred to conduct much of the setup in Ruby before running any tests.
00:22:21.500 I then utilized the improved build infrastructure outside Docker, where it's easier to work.
00:22:28.310 As I recently learned about test preloading, I passed necessary data from global setup into tests using environment variables.
00:22:34.600 To enhance test startup speed, I adjusted rake tasks to build only for the host platform, which the tests utilize.
00:22:41.080 This was beneficial since it reduced the compilation requirement to one platform instead of seven.
00:22:49.080 mruby CLI supports bin tests or integration tests. Since I prefer strong unit tests, I haven't explored the integration testing as much.
00:22:56.800 For integration tests, you would run your command and assert the output it returns.
00:23:04.570 Approaching the end, there are improvements I'd like to see in mruby and mruby CLI.
00:23:10.010 Regarding mruby CLI, I plan to contribute the enhancements I've made to the build system.
00:23:16.250 I’ve already had discussions with authors about these improvements, and the maintainers have seemed positive.
00:23:23.360 Documentation for mruby CLI could be improved, as it’s currently unclear where to start or what potential troubles you may run into.
00:23:30.570 Moreover, I'd like to make upgrading to newer versions of mruby CLI easier.
00:23:38.720 As things stand, you take your changes in your rake file and port them to the new version, which becomes increasingly complicated.
00:23:45.170 For mruby, I would like to see more accurate backtraces; for now, you need to keep close attention to the line numbers.
00:23:51.330 This focus on accuracy enables you to effectively track errors.
00:23:58.390 I also wish to separate loading the build configuration from generating rake tasks, simplifying integration with the build system.
00:24:05.280 Finally, I’d like to see keyword arguments in method definitions.
00:24:09.700 mruby's C API is quite simplistic in its argument checking difficulties.
00:24:17.050 As a result, I'm unsure how keyword arguments will integrate into its current framework.
00:24:24.400 Working with mruby has also highlighted aspects I'd like to see improved in CRuby.
00:24:31.780 One improvement is with the C API function mrb_get_args, found in mruby's C API.
00:24:39.280 This function extracts method arguments from Ruby method calls into a C function for mruby.
00:24:46.230 The function lets you specify types for every argument and performs automatic type checking and conversion.
00:24:52.540 This functionality makes it easy to write a C method in mruby.
00:25:00.460 The equivalent in CRuby is rb_scan_args, which is less expressive, allowing only for checking the number of arguments.
00:25:08.560 Finding information on test preload was challenging; I read the documentation several times.
00:25:15.850 It wasn't until after that I realized how to leverage the preload functionality.
00:25:22.290 I think more thorough documentation accompanied by examples would clarify these concepts.
00:25:29.000 Moreover, there should be some automation for setup, possibly by designating a specific filename to auto-load.
00:25:35.780 Unfortunately, all tests run every time without any options for filtering by test name or file.
00:25:42.830 If you're focusing on changes causing many tests, you must manually scan through all of them.
00:25:50.410 Implementing a name filtering option would be tremendously helpful.
00:25:57.570 Thank you! Are there any questions?
00:26:13.000 As to the idea of opening a browser using mruby, you would need to link to a C library for a browser.
00:26:20.360 This way, you could control it through mruby.
00:26:27.120 Earlier in the day, Cohesion presented a GTK WebKit binding using GObject.
00:26:32.720 You could probably link mruby to GObject, gaining access to those functionalities.
00:26:41.800 So yes, that's feasible. Be sure to check out his talk for more ideas on accomplishing that.
00:26:50.150 The C APIs in mruby and CRuby have many similarities, so there is minimal learning curve.
00:26:56.560 Thank you for your informative presentation.
00:27:02.260 My question is, what is the most important advantage of mruby over rivals like Go?
00:27:07.920 What sets mruby CLI apart from Go or other tools?
00:27:14.270 For me as a Rubyist, I know Ruby well; learning a new language could delay development.
00:27:20.780 With mruby CLI, I can train my team to code efficiently without needing extensive education in another language.
00:27:28.750 Does that make sense?
00:27:34.780 Thank you!
00:27:41.740 Are there any additional questions?
00:27:49.470 Could you elaborate on the debugging difficulties you mentioned in relation to stack traces?
00:27:55.360 Yes, my stack traces show inaccuracies despite debug mode not being on.
00:28:01.160 The line numbers are often off by a couple of lines.
00:28:07.600 I’m not certain if debug mode helps; sometimes it could be a simple typo causing the confusion.
00:28:12.780 The discrepancy leads to significant time spent returning to check previous lines.
00:28:18.480 I will certainly research the debug options after the session concludes.
00:28:25.240 Thank you for bringing that to my attention.
00:28:32.550 Additionally, I should perform minimal reproduction tests to locate the issues.
00:28:39.960 Have you had experience using testing in a CI environment?
00:28:45.220 I have successfully set up mruby CLI with Travis CI, which uses Docker to execute rake tests.
00:28:51.030 At Fastly, we also utilize a proprietary gem, which requires setting up a deploy key for Travis.
00:28:58.500 Otherwise, the tests run smoothly in Travis without issues.
00:29:05.000 Thank you again for your kind attention!