
Growing Your Background Job Knowledge

Growing Your Background Job Knowledge
- Weedmaps - Jake Anderson

RailsConf 2022

00:00:00.900 foreign
00:00:12.679 coffee drinkers in the house any coffee drinkers yes I'm not addicted to coffee
00:00:18.660 but if I do not have it my day is ruined um uh well uh I always start my day
00:00:25.080 though by going downstairs and getting the coffee maker going what that entails
00:00:30.599 is I will you know grab the filter I'll throw that in the maker I'll grind up some beans I'll throw those beans in the
00:00:37.200 filter and then I will press that button and walk away I want to do something else like feed
00:00:44.280 the baby maybe have some food myself right there are other things that I want to do while I'm making that coffee I
00:00:50.340 then come back maybe 10 15 minutes later grab my coffee drink it and now the day
00:00:55.920 isn't so bad you might be wondering what what the heck does this have to do with background jobs and hopefully by the end
00:01:02.640 of this talk you will understand exactly what I mean I'm Jake I'm a software engineer at
00:01:08.520 Weedmaps if you are not familiar with Weedmaps we are the leading technology and software infrastructure provider to
00:01:15.720 the Cannabis industry we are also a sponsor here so definitely come and check out our booth we got some great
00:01:22.560 swag to give away uh we are also hiring so if you're interested in working with us go ahead
00:01:28.979 and check out the careers page you can see some job postings there
00:01:34.740 but today's talk outline there's really five main things that I wanted to kind of talk through today uh to get an
00:01:42.360 understanding of background jobs what they are before I do that though I just want to preface that this is really
00:01:47.460 meant for people getting into background jobs if you are super familiar with background jobs and you're like I'm
00:01:53.399 running so many background jobs I need help come talk to me after the talk I'll help you with that later this is
00:01:59.280 definitely more catered towards understanding what they are why they are as well as kind of some of the cool
00:02:04.860 things that active job actually gives to us but we're going to run through this through five steps
00:02:10.619 first we're going to simulate a problem and try to kind of give us a single
00:02:16.440 starting place to to build off of we're then going to kind of prospect a little bit dig a little bit more into
00:02:22.200 that problem and maybe ask a couple uh leading questions from there we're going to investigate
00:02:28.140 and say okay well are there Solutions out in the world for this particular problem
00:02:35.520 we're then going to try to fill some of our knowledge gaps with rails and say hey this solution might exist out in the
00:02:41.760 world but does rails itself have an implementation of this solution and last but not least we are going to expand on
00:02:48.720 that knowledge and try to learn as much as we can about anything that might be in rails
00:02:54.260 coincidentally uh This spells Spike this
00:02:59.280 has nothing to do with um you know the agile term Spike I I I
00:03:05.099 wanted it to be related to that um I I do think of spikes similar to
00:03:10.920 this uh fun fact spike is not actually an acronym for anything so I'm gonna
00:03:16.440 throw this out there as a potential option for Spike so what is the problem
00:03:22.560 right uh what are what are we where's the starting point here well let's start with the rails request
00:03:28.739 I'm going to have some diagrams here on the side with little animations to try to provide some context of what the heck
00:03:35.159 I'm talking about um so you know you've got a router that determines a controller and an action to
00:03:42.360 render okay and then that goes to the controller which is then going to request data from the model the model is
00:03:49.080 going to talk to the database database is going to return stuff to the controller so on and so forth
00:03:54.739 controller sends stuff back to the the visitor of the site but the most important thing that I want
00:04:00.360 to highlight here is that we need each one of these steps to complete before
00:04:05.459 moving on to the next right we can't go to the controller if the router doesn't tell us to go to that controller right
00:04:11.760 we have to wait for each of these things to complete
00:04:17.940 this is also by no means uh what a full request is in rails if you want to learn
00:04:23.460 more about that Skylight did a rails comp talk on this and they also has a some accompanying blog posts so check
00:04:30.120 those out if you want to learn more about rails requests specifically oh look at that we got a new product
00:04:36.000 request surprise surprise um they would like to add a change that requires some more logic in this
00:04:42.479 controller we're going to simulate that with a service class for those who aren't familiar with Services think of a
00:04:49.199 regular Ruby object that will take in some input do something Fancy with it and maybe output something else
00:04:56.120 examples of this might include sending an email or updating a counter somewhere
00:05:02.880 or maybe doing some kind of account setup I'm like maybe you got to hook up to stripe and send some stuff over there
00:05:09.060 really it can it's anything right it's whatever is specific to your business needs
00:05:15.240 but the important thing here is we have added another thing in our request chain
00:05:21.180 right we are now reliant on whatever this service is doing and our visitor is
00:05:26.759 now relying on that too oops service is taking too long uh maybe
00:05:34.320 that's HTTP you're trying to send out that email your email server is down it's not working your Sol
00:05:42.120 um maybe the database is getting too much traffic it's late you know day everyone's trying to wrap everything up
00:05:49.080 and uh things are slowing down your service is slowing down
00:05:54.479 maybe the service just does a lot of things and it takes a few seconds anyway just to complete all of those tasks
00:06:01.680 the visitor though is still there they are waiting and maybe they are leaving
00:06:06.900 in anger because you are taking so long to solve this product request
00:06:13.979 so what might this look like in rails right you had some little diagrams there on the side with a you know ball going
00:06:20.400 up and down but like what does that actually look like for this example I've got a Pages
00:06:27.300 controller that has an index action imagine this is like a home page and on the home page we're going to call some
00:06:33.060 service that's going to print a message to the screen this some service is our
00:06:38.520 plain Ruby object it has a perform method it's going to sleep for five seconds just to simulate a little bit of
00:06:44.400 work and then it's going to puts that message to the screen
00:06:51.000 our terminal output would look something like this right I tried to highlight the printed message in green it actually
00:06:57.360 came out in white I don't have any fancy thing that puts that in green so there's that message
00:07:04.979 but some of you may have also noticed it took over five seconds for us to
00:07:10.860 complete this request and all we did was print something to the screen did the user need to wait for that that's the
00:07:18.419 question so let's dig a little bit further let's bring back that coffee maker
00:07:24.960 example right here's a kind of a similar chart to the requests right but in coffee maker
00:07:31.199 terminology so you've got an uncaffeinated person right they uh they're they're desperate
00:07:37.080 they need to place that filter in the machine they push the button to grind the beans get things going they're
00:07:42.120 waiting for the beans they put it in the filter and now they push that start button right but now
00:07:49.440 they're just sitting there they're waiting for the coffee maker they're just like eager I need the caffeine and
00:07:55.740 so they sit there and they wait for that coffee maker to finish Brewing
00:08:01.199 and once it does they grab their coffee they drink the coffee and they move on
00:08:08.580 again similar to our hanging request but like me I I don't want to sit there and
00:08:14.160 wait for my coffee I've got other things that I want to do right same thing with this rails request it has other things
00:08:20.220 that it wants to do too I want to render The View I want to move on to other requests
00:08:26.639 so do we have to wait while the coffee's Brewing no
00:08:32.099 so do we have to wait on this server call if yes okay well maybe we do have to
00:08:39.419 wait on it like we have to wait for the filter we have to wait for the green the beans to grind right we can't start the
00:08:45.300 coffee machine until we at least have some of the pieces together um so if we do have to rely on it can we
00:08:50.459 make it faster or are there ways to re-architect some things to make it so we don't have to do
00:08:56.519 it right now and something else can gather the filter and the beans later on but we just tell it hey by the way you
00:09:02.100 got to grab the filter and the beans but if we don't have to wait on this
00:09:08.279 like in our puts example before the user doesn't care about us logging some information right so
00:09:16.260 can we essentially in in coding terms can we like push the button and like
00:09:22.019 come back to it later so now let's investigate that that idea
00:09:29.160 a little bit more right surely somebody has thought of this right I can't be the only one that's like can we just do
00:09:36.360 these things kinds of things later and uh yes this has been solved this is background jobs and async processing
00:09:42.360 welcome to my talk um that uh that in a nutshell is what
00:09:48.360 background job processing is so what what does this look like at a really high level
00:09:54.120 um so you're going to have a service right that gets added to a list we're going to call that list a queue
00:10:00.779 um and it's going to come with any Associated arguments so in this case the queue is just some random class just
00:10:07.800 pretend it's a queue and we're going to add something to that queue and we're going to add the class some service right just like we did in the uh
00:10:14.580 controller and we're going to give it the hello rails comp message
00:10:20.880 so that's going to add it to the queue that lists somewhere and that list might look something like this
00:10:26.279 where hey we've got a couple things already in that list you know the some service with I'm the first job some
00:10:33.240 service with that makes me the second and now we just added that third one to the list to process some service hello
00:10:40.380 railsconf after that we're going to you know have
00:10:46.380 there needs to be something to to kind of run and pull these things off of this list off of the queue and so the job is
00:10:53.519 going to be equal to we're going to call that a job we're going to grab the first thing off of that list we're going to
00:10:59.279 grab the class which is going to be the first argument right there that's some service which is a string and then our
00:11:05.100 arguments are the second right that hello railsconf um so what we need to do then is we need
00:11:11.940 to take our string class and we need to turn it into Ruby class you can do that with the dot constantize method we need
00:11:18.959 to create a new version of this class we need to instantiate it so we'll call new so now we got some right and
00:11:25.980 now we call the perform method on it just like we did in the rails controller and then we can Splat in those arcs for
00:11:32.880 those who aren't familiar Ruby gives you kind of a Splat operator that works very similarly to the JavaScript Splat
00:11:39.300 operator if you're familiar with it so definitely check that out if you're not familiar
00:11:48.060 but what does this actually help with like cool you did some research people push things to this queue and like pull
00:11:55.079 it off this queue but like why why does that even matter
00:12:00.480 well one thing is it prevents too many things from running at the same time so let's think really quick back to the
00:12:06.420 controller example if all of a sudden I just like threw that in the background immediately to process
00:12:11.579 if we had a hundred thousand people that came onto our page at the same time and now we just triggered a whole a hundred
00:12:17.760 thousand things to run in the background those are theoretically happening at the same time we're going to take down our own system
00:12:23.640 that doesn't seem very smart so one thing that adding stuff to a list or to
00:12:28.800 a queue does is it allows us to have a little bit more control in terms of how many things are running at a given time
00:12:34.860 I can say hey I want you to pull one item off the Queue at once maybe I have two different things that are pulling
00:12:41.040 off of the same queue and it's like how you can have the first one and then you can have the second one don't worry I'll go take the third one
00:12:48.360 but since everything is in a list or in a queue somewhere we can then also see anything that's
00:12:55.200 currently running right we can also see jobs that are waiting to run right or perhaps things
00:13:04.079 that have completed successfully but more importantly maybe even things that have failed and since we still have
00:13:10.200 references to the job class and the arguments that that job needed to run we
00:13:15.720 can theoretically retry that job whenever we need to maybe we introduced a bug in that worker
00:13:23.040 or in that job and we can make some tweaks push up that change and rerun it
00:13:28.980 later the main thing that this cue gives us is
00:13:35.519 stability and visibility
00:13:41.940 all right so we we had our our problem right which is the blocking requests we
00:13:47.760 kind of dug a little bit further to be like okay we we don't probably need to block the request for this case it seems
00:13:54.600 like from uh software engineering perspective someone has come up with this idea of cues right so let's fill
00:14:02.100 our knowledge of what rails might have for this so for those who may not be familiar
00:14:07.800 rails has something called active job for managing and processing
00:14:12.839 cues and it really only requires three basic
00:14:19.079 steps to get up and running one we create our job class
00:14:27.240 two we tell the job class to essentially add itself to the queue
00:14:32.820 and then step three is rails just takes care of the rest with an asterisk because it's not really
00:14:39.480 a step because rails just handles it for you but let's go through each of those okay
00:14:45.180 so creating our job what does this look like let's get a little classy so we're going to create a new class
00:14:52.579 usually you're creating an application job class that inherits from active job
00:14:58.680 base okay if you're familiar with rails models it follows a similar pattern to
00:15:06.000 where you might have an application model that inherits from active record base it's a similar thing right where I
00:15:13.560 could inherit from active job based directly I don't have to do this pattern but the pattern is already established
00:15:20.699 kind of from from models and so they've followed that with active job
00:15:27.240 the second thing that I need to do is okay now I've got my application job
00:15:32.279 class and I created my some job class that inherits from that I need to create a perform method on that uh on that job
00:15:40.740 this perform method is what eventually gets called with my arguments when that job does run
00:15:47.399 and you can see from this example I'm just taking that message and passing it directly to the service
00:15:58.199 but sometimes you might want to tell it what Cue to run on so this is also kind of something interesting you might have
00:16:03.959 more than one cue right you can have or a list you can and you can name them whatever you want you might have an
00:16:10.980 email queue and or you could have a notifications queue you can have an
00:16:16.320 errors cue but by default rails gives you a default queue in this particular
00:16:22.620 case I told active job I want to cue this job as my Q name
00:16:27.720 um so let's talk about actually enqueuing
00:16:33.120 that job so we have our class it's ready to go it's got that perform method it knows what Cue or what list it's going
00:16:39.540 to run on now we need to tell it hey go add yourself to that list so that you
00:16:44.579 can actually run later
00:16:50.579 so really all we need to do is take our sum job it's going to have a class
00:16:56.579 method available on it called perform later and then you give it whatever arguments you want to give to the
00:17:03.480 underlying instance of that class so these arguments may be serialized by
00:17:10.260 uh rails we're going to kind of get a little bit more into that here in a second but under the hood again what's
00:17:17.280 happening is when this job does run so that Q is going to look like the left is
00:17:24.000 going to have that some job as that string class and on the right is going
00:17:29.280 to be an array of those arguments that just like it was before it says hello rails comp but when that job actually runs it's
00:17:35.940 going to do the exact same thing that I showed in that example it's going to constantize some job it's going to
00:17:40.980 create a new and then it's going to call perform passing in that argument and it's going to look something like this
00:17:48.539 rails will also automatically deserialize or re-transform the stuff back again we'll kind of get to that
00:17:54.720 here in a second but a quick note on enqueuing this is kind of where active job is like
00:18:01.320 really cool and how it operates not only um can you add something to a queue but
00:18:07.860 you could tell it to wait to perform that job maybe I don't want to run that job right now maybe I want to run it in
00:18:14.520 24 hours like this is a you know a feedback email I don't want to give someone like hey give me feedback on my
00:18:20.580 product when you just signed up no I want them to give me feedback maybe 48 hours later so I'm going to tell this
00:18:26.820 job hey wait four to eight hours and then send that feedback email or maybe I actually want this job to run
00:18:33.360 at midnight or at 3 A.M because that's when the Ser the traffic is lowest so I
00:18:38.460 can say wait until you know 3 A.M and it automatically will just make sure that
00:18:44.580 job does not run until 3am I can also dynamically change that queue
00:18:49.919 say I have a default queue but I also have an urgent cue this person needs this email right now so I'm going to go
00:18:57.480 ahead and override that cue to say hey send this to the Urgent queue because I
00:19:02.700 want that to run immediately you can also set the priority the priority the queue it all kind of
00:19:09.600 depends on how you have your your cues or your list set up but you can also more or less put something to the
00:19:15.059 beginning of the queue versus automatically putting it at the end of the queue
00:19:24.000 but let's talk about that hand wavy kind of rails just takes care of the rest thing
00:19:29.940 um you know like how does rails actually process this job right I added it to that queue it's sitting there but how
00:19:36.780 does it actually run magic right rails magic runs it
00:19:43.260 um it depends BYOB this does not mean uh beer or or
00:19:49.740 whatever is back end bring your own back end so by default rails keeps these jobs
00:19:56.460 in memory so it'll go ahead and add it to your RAM and process it off of that ramp so you
00:20:03.419 technically don't need anything else to get jobs running in the background using
00:20:09.000 active job but this has one major flaw
00:20:14.220 it breaks down when the server restarts or crashes anyone use Heroku
00:20:21.000 yeah say goodbye to your jobs right every 24 hours those dinos will restart
00:20:27.620 any job that you had in that queue when that Dyno restarted or were being processed when that Dyno restarted is
00:20:33.900 gone forever so really what active job provides us is
00:20:41.340 a is a set of building blocks for enqueuing and managing
00:20:46.400 async data right with a set of defaults of course right you don't have to bring
00:20:51.900 anything else though you probably should it has it kind of gives us the the the
00:20:56.940 the groundwork to base everything off of the foundation if you will
00:21:03.480 Okay cool so we we've discovered our problem right it's the blocking request
00:21:09.120 um we know that um we can potentially unblock it we can put it on this queue there's this thing
00:21:14.880 active job and rails that we can use now let's talk a little bit more about active job
00:21:21.840 so first uh what are some of our of our available back ends that we have right like we don't want to lose our jobs when
00:21:29.220 the server restarts what can we possibly do well rails actually has out-of-the-box
00:21:34.799 solutions for a number of different back ends and it's going to depend on the needs of your application and maybe what
00:21:40.679 you're familiar with I'm going to go ahead and put those up here being stalked I have no idea what that is but
00:21:48.659 if you do you can use back burner but if you're using like a database you can use something like a delay job or k
00:21:55.980 or Q classic if you want to keep things in memory you can keep using the async
00:22:01.380 version of active job if you use red s you can use rescue or Sidekick is out
00:22:06.960 here is pretty popular you know and if you use rabbitmq for sending messages back and forth there's
00:22:13.020 also out of the box support with sneakers one thing I do want to highlight though
00:22:18.360 is this list is by no means complete the rails team has decided that they're
00:22:23.760 no longer accepting management of these adapters because all these adapters are built into rails themselves and rather
00:22:30.240 than having rails manage these adapters it should be up to the libraries to manage those instead so if somebody
00:22:37.440 might have gone to the talk yesterday that involved Kafka Kafka is not on this list so if you want to use Kafka as a
00:22:44.460 back end it's not officially supported through rails but the job is going to probably have an active job adapter that
00:22:52.260 will work with Kafka so I just want to make sure that if you're going exploring the docs know
00:22:57.600 that you will have and there probably are more things available than or what are explicitly listed
00:23:04.559 you might then be wondering yourself why not use the library directly oh we use sidekick we actually do use sidekick and
00:23:10.500 weed maps like why wouldn't I just use sidekick on its own why do I need active
00:23:15.900 job why add in that extra layer of complexity what does this give me
00:23:21.539 right well the first thing is global IDs
00:23:27.720 for those who aren't familiar with global IDs it is kind of like this unique URL that points to one of your
00:23:34.919 models a URL might look something like this right it starts with GID instead of HTTP and then my app is the name of my
00:23:42.539 app user is the user model in 420 is the ID of that user
00:23:48.360 so this allows us to do something like some job perform later and just we can give that active record object directly
00:23:55.559 to that class we don't have to worry about it going and turn like sending down all these types of things whereas
00:24:02.340 before we might have had to say okay I need to give the user class and the ID of the user so that the job can look up
00:24:08.940 that user itself no the job doesn't need to worry about that we can use Global IDs don't worry everybody else has got
00:24:15.360 it you got something else that you want to
00:24:20.760 serialize that doesn't have a global ID no problem rails has serializers for
00:24:26.039 that I stole this example from the rails guide so I want to if you do want to see
00:24:31.380 it it is uh it is there um but in this example it's the money right some people might be using a money
00:24:38.159 gem but say when I'm turning this money object into something that the job can
00:24:45.840 understand I want to say okay money when if I want you to grab that amount and
00:24:52.080 set it equal to amount in this hash and then I want you to set the currency equal to currency
00:24:57.539 and then when you actually take that money object and turn it back into something for the job I want you to
00:25:04.740 create a new money with amount and hash or amount in currency as the arguments
00:25:10.220 and then there's a third method that we have to Define called serialize that essentially says do we want to serialize
00:25:17.100 this class with active job if argument is a money then yes otherwise not so
00:25:23.159 much this one was actually new to me and I
00:25:28.320 think this is probably the most underrated one in that is that you get automatic localization with your jobs
00:25:36.260 so let's pretend for example that our app is in English right and we are going
00:25:43.020 to run this uh particular job here in the middle and in French uh say we're
00:25:49.080 our visitors coming in from France they're looking at our side everything is translated in French and they clicked
00:25:55.740 a button now we're going to send them an email later uh well well active job will actually keep track of that the fact
00:26:01.260 that that was in French and it doesn't matter if that job runs five minutes later five hours or five days later it's
00:26:07.020 going to keep that in memory and it's going to know hey by the way when you render that email render it in French
00:26:13.020 it's not going to call Lay job right it's the French version of your job it
00:26:18.179 is going to just know that that job should be using the French language
00:26:23.940 but outside of that context you can just call perform later and it's going to use your default locale
00:26:32.279 callbacks right this is kind of a hairy topic if you like callbacks you don't
00:26:38.400 like callbacks that's not what I want to get into but if you do like them you can use them they work very very similarly
00:26:46.140 to active model callbacks and that we get before around and after hooks for
00:26:53.159 both enqueuing adding the job to the list and Performing that job
00:26:58.860 so I don't know how easy it is to read that code example here but before in queue I'm giving it a little block and
00:27:05.340 I'm saying Hey I want you to log a message to the rails console that says hey I'm going to run this class
00:27:11.460 but then I also have this around perform method that's that captures the runtime
00:27:17.220 I want to know hey how long is it actually taking for this job to run how
00:27:22.620 long did it sit in the queue waiting to run I can get all that information and then also log that out you know I can
00:27:30.600 grab right here you can see I'm grabbing the the job start time um we actually do get a couple of
00:27:37.020 methods Available To Us by using active job one being this and queued at which will tell us a timestamp of when the job
00:27:43.679 was enqueued we also get a job ID method that we can use that is a unique ID for
00:27:48.720 that given job so just given those two things I can easily say hey Job ID
00:27:55.919 took this many seconds to run and since I know when it was enqueued and when the
00:28:01.679 job started I can know how long it was delayed and can log that as well
00:28:10.799 active job also has support for built-in error handling which is also really
00:28:16.500 really cool so pretend again in this email example you had a user but that user account was deleted by the time
00:28:23.220 that that job ran so when active job tries to find that User it's going to be like oh hey active
00:28:28.500 record record not found um and you can tell that job you know what if you can't find the record I
00:28:34.559 don't care discard it delete it move on but maybe you're working with an API and
00:28:41.400 that API has rate limits and you're like oh looks like I hit a rate limiting error I actually want to tell active job
00:28:47.700 hey if I if you hit this error retry it and it's going to keep retrying on some
00:28:53.220 type kind of like back off kind of where it's like oh it's going to retry it in a minute two minutes five minutes so on
00:28:58.320 and so forth but it will automatically handle all of that for you
00:29:03.960 if you want to have some custom logic around how you're handling a particular error that is known
00:29:10.100 you can call a rescue from so in this particular case maybe I'm also using
00:29:16.140 this API client but I got an authentication error my token is no longer good so I need to go get a new
00:29:21.240 token and store that so in this case I'm going to rescue from that authentication error I'm going to go get a new token
00:29:27.360 I'm going to store that and now I'm going to re-encue this job and hopefully it runs the second time or a third time
00:29:38.340 but the main reason to use active job rather than any other library is again
00:29:44.159 this idea that you have a unified API for interacting with jobs no matter the back end
00:29:50.399 right anyone that uses active job can go from one rails app to another and it
00:29:55.980 doesn't matter if you're using sidekick or delayed job or sneakers as your back end
00:30:01.860 you're familiar with active job that abstraction is taken away from you so you can just focus on writing code that
00:30:08.520 you are familiar with and leave the details for uh Downstream services
00:30:17.100 so I'm a little over time so I'm going to give just some parting thoughts here where do you go from here
00:30:22.500 um so how is this related to making coffee right we might always need to grind our
00:30:29.220 beans and put them in the filter there are going to be synchronous things that we have to do and we cannot avoid that's
00:30:35.159 just a fact of writing software right but we can push the start button on some
00:30:40.799 of our coffee and come back to it later like there's no need to stick around there's definitely a lot of code I'm sure there's code you're thinking about
00:30:46.740 in your own code base that you're like we probably don't need to do that right there we can probably maybe do that some
00:30:53.940 other time or re-architect things to do some some at some other time
00:30:59.640 and you know what if it doesn't complete we can always make a couple tweaks and try again you know if I forgot to put
00:31:05.340 some water in my coffee maker oops when I came back 15 minutes later it did not make the coffee so I can always put some
00:31:11.880 water back in hit the button come back 15 minutes later and there we go now I got my coffee same thing with the code
00:31:17.880 right let's jobs failed oh no let's go ahead and make a couple changes push up those
00:31:24.240 changes rerun those failed jobs back in a good state
00:31:31.020 so what other things are you async processing in life right you find yourself standing next to the microwave
00:31:36.659 often just waiting right uh what about code
00:31:44.340 thank you for coming talking uh coming to this talk uh if you want to talk more on on jobs I will be at our booth um and
00:31:51.539 if you want to go more low-level I'm very happy to talk about that too thank you