Tips & Tricks

Lightning Talk: Creating the Perfect Slide Deck in 5 Minutes

Ruby Unconf 2019

00:00:02.550 All right everyone, you've seen me on stage and pitching during this lightning talk session, usually being really straight to the point. I think I should match that style today. So, I’m here to challenge myself and share how to create an awesome slide deck in just five minutes. I want you to participate and take everything I say with a grain of salt. I have given many conference talks over the past five to six years across Europe, and I am particularly passionate about creating great slides. Every time I attend a conference, I notice many terrible slides, and I want to ensure you don’t make the same mistakes. By the end of this talk, you will have learned how to create the perfect slide deck.
00:00:24.480 However, that's a bit of a lie, as it actually takes weeks or even a month to prepare. I have a full-time job and can’t dedicate all my time to preparing for a talk. So, while I may say it takes just five minutes, it actually involves a lot more time and effort. I consider myself a perfectionist and really strive to make my slides effective. You may have seen me on stage before, but just to introduce myself: my name is Ole Michaelis, and I’m involved in various activities including working with user groups. It's essential to talk about yourself at the start of your talk; it sets a positive tone.
00:01:10.920 Let me share five important tricks for creating effective slide decks. First, always avoid cramming too much text onto your slides. Ensure the audience can easily understand every point. It's important to read the text aloud during your presentation, as you can't assume your audience is reading along. If you’re reading from your slide, remember that most people struggle to do two things at once, such as listening and reading at the same time, which can lead to confusion.
00:01:37.950 Instead, take a different approach: give your audience one paragraph at a time. For example, consider the famous quote from Jeff Bezos—simply present it paragraph by paragraph and read it aloud. Overall, avoid filling your slides with too much text—this isn’t a movie or a book. Instead, utilize lots of animations to enhance visual interest and keep your audience engaged. You may find yourself in situations where you have to present without seeing your slides, which can lead to turning your back on your audience. It’s important to engage directly with them.
00:02:22.480 Moving forward, let’s consider the third tip: use emotional images and ensure they are of good quality. People remember emotions, and incorporating memes can also be effective, as they universally resonate and add humor. There's really no such thing as overusing memes in a presentation—they help create connections and can elicit laughter from your audience, which is definitely beneficial.
00:02:41.620 Additionally, it’s wise to include numbers in your presentation because they spark interest. Start by telling something captivating, then build it up to keep the audience engaged. This technique usually proves more effective. In conclusion, my personal approach to creating impactful slides involves starting with pen and paper. I find a quiet space to write down my ideas and structure my presentation before actually putting anything on the slides.
00:03:26.600 I usually begin by drafting my notes directly on my slides. However, I often see people forget to include their notes, which is a crucial step. Finally, the last step in my process is to make sure I finish everything thoroughly. Thank you for your attention; I have ten seconds left, so use that time wisely!