Agent-Based Modeling

Prepare yourself against Zombie epidemic

Prepare yourself against Zombie epidemic

by Christophe Philemotte

In a presentation at Rocky Mountain Ruby 2015, Christophe Philemotte discusses preparing for a potential zombie epidemic through disease simulation models, particularly focusing on agent-based modeling. The talk begins with a light-hearted introduction to a fictional scenario involving a contagious and deadly disease causing zombie-like behavior among individuals. Christophe shares his expertise in developing disease simulation models for various companies and how programming can be leveraged to understand and potentially manage outbreak scenarios.

Key points discussed in the video include:

  • The Rise of the Zombie Scenario: The initial portrayal of a rabies-like disease escalates to a serious epidemic, necessitating action from authorities and raising survival concerns for individuals.
  • Role of Software Developers: Christophe emphasizes that developers can use their coding skills to prepare for biological threats by coding simulations that mirror potential zombie outbreaks.
  • Agent-Based Modeling: He introduces the concept of agent-based models, which simulate individual interactions and behaviors in a defined environment, effectively modeling disease transmission.
  • Simulation Environment: The simulation begins with a two-dimensional map where agents are defined with various states (e.g., susceptible, infected, zombie, dead), and interactions among agents are based on proximity and predefined rules.
  • Health States and Transitions: Christophe details the health states of agents and how various actions (walking, fighting, or staying still) lead to transitions between health states based on interactions, including inevitable transitions from susceptible to infected.
  • Implementation of Simulation: The process involves looping through agent actions, recalculating their states, and removing deceased agents from the simulation. Examples of simulation results illustrate the dynamics of the outbreak and responses from living agents.
  • Validation and Calibration: He concludes with the importance of validating and calibrating the simulation to ensure accuracy and reliability, which involves integration tests and parameter adjustments to match real-world data.
  • Concluding Thoughts: The presentation emphasizes the potential of simulations in understanding epidemics and exploring strategies such as quarantines and vaccinations.

Christophe invites audience engagement for further discussion and encourages exploration of the code available on GitHub. The talk highlights the intersection of technology and public health, illustrating how programming can play a critical role in responding to contagions like the fictional zombie epidemic.

00:00:24.490 Hello everyone, I'm Christophe. You can find me on Twitter or GitHub, up on the left. I'm from Belgium, and I'm really happy to be here. We've had some great sessions!
00:00:32.800 I'm a board member of Ruby Belgium and I help organize their events, including conferences. If you're a Ruby enthusiast, you should definitely attend! I'm also the founder of Poor Review, an automated code review service for Rails applications. Additionally, I'm a freelancer developing disease simulation models for various companies.
00:00:53.870 Today, I'd like to discuss that experience in a fun way, using the theme of zombies. Initially, we heard about some unusual cases of a disease in certain villages. According to local newspapers, it resembled rabies, where infected individuals bit others. It seemed like a sensational story.
00:01:13.880 However, two weeks later, the situation escalated. The disease turned out to be serious, deadly, and highly contagious. The army took action by establishing curfews in affected zones, and the World Health Organization dispatched experts to assist. Under such dire circumstances, your life is at risk, and survival becomes a priority.
00:02:24.000 But what can you do as a software developer? You can write code! The question is, can you survive with that? Perhaps you can! I believe you can prepare for a potential zombie epidemic using programming.
00:02:39.080 There are several techniques for disease simulation, and I want to present the agent-based model because it is particularly useful for understanding interactions at the individual level. Here, we need to comprehend how interactions play out between zombies and healthy individuals.
00:03:02.890 While some may think this model is specific to disease propagation, it's not limited. Agent-based models can simulate other situations like outbreaks through flight routes. They can also be applied to traffic analysis to determine the best configurations to alleviate congestion.
00:03:40.440 Additionally, they're used for simulating electrical consumption to understand impacts on the power grid, predicting behaviors in groups, especially in stock markets or during crises, and analyzing social networks to understand trust dynamics.
00:04:12.500 As you can see, this approach is suitable for simulating dynamics resulting from interactions among agents in a specific environment. To simulate the spread of zombies, we must define what an agent is, the environment they inhabit, and the rules governing their interactions.
00:05:06.560 Now let's begin with the environment. Since the zombie apocalypse is quite physical, we need to establish a model that captures that effectively. We start with a simple two-dimensional map, incorporating a notion of proximity.
00:05:32.840 On this map, we define neighborhoods. When two agents are located close to each other, we consider them neighbors, which allows for potential contact between them. Next, we need to define our agents and their capabilities. An agent's state is determined by factors like age, position, and health.
00:06:04.880 During the simulation, agents can perform various actions. They can perceive their surroundings, which helps them to identify if there are any neighbors in their vicinity. Possible actions include staying still, walking, or fighting. If they choose to walk, they will move in a specified direction; staying still does nothing.
00:06:43.099 Fighting occurs when the agent is capable of defending itself, or in the case of a zombie, attacking others. Agents may age throughout the simulation, contributing to the dynamic elements of the environment. This entire simulation revolves around calculating the next state of every agent based on both their individual states and the overall environment.
00:07:32.130 To accomplish this, we utilize what's known as asynchronous updates, meaning we calculate all future states for all agents based on their previous states before updating any of them. Now that we've outlined the environment and the agents, we need to define the health states.
00:08:32.430 For example, a susceptible health state indicates that an agent is unprotected against a disease and could become infected. For each health state, we establish the possible actions available to the agent. In the susceptible state, an agent can walk, stay still, or fight.
00:09:07.800 Conversely, in the case of a zombie, they can only fight and bite others. Additionally, the model defines conditions for transitioning from one state to another. For instance, we can define a condition where an agent goes from susceptible to infected state, with the condition set to always true.
00:09:50.320 This means that this transition is inevitable. By considering different potential transitions between states, we can derive new states for our agents. All these rules help us establish what is known as a state transition machine, which is crucial for managing and predicting transitions between various states.
00:10:57.330 In this model, there are four essential states: susceptible, infected, zombie, and dead. Susceptible agents can contract the disease if bitten by a zombie, leading to an infection. The agent then incubates the virus without yet becoming a zombie, until a defined incubation period has passed.
00:11:36.360 Once that period is over, the agent becomes a zombie. If a susceptible infected agent successfully fights back against a zombie, it may revert to a healthy state.
00:12:05.290 Next, we need to define default initial states for all agents. When we run the simulation, we essentially loop through this process. For example, we could simulate the outbreak over 100 days. Initially, we create all the agents and place them on the map.
00:12:30.420 Then, at each step, we allow each agent to act. Following their actions, we calculate the new states and commit these changes accordingly. Dead agents are removed from the map.
00:13:19.490 Here are two examples of the simulation. The colors represent different states: green for susceptible (healthy) agents, yellow for infected agents, red for zombies, and black for dead agents. On the left, the future seems bleak, while on the right, the healthy agents effectively fight back.
00:13:45.140 A few remarks: once your simulator is implemented, you must validate and calibrate it. Validation involves integration tests to ensure your simulator behaves as expected in various scenarios.
00:14:11.410 For example, if there are only susceptible agents, they should remain unaffected indefinitely. You might also compare your results with real data to confirm accuracy.
00:14:32.360 Calibration involves adjusting parameters until the output matches expected results. This process ensures that your model can accurately predict disease propagation.
00:15:57.740 Let me quickly show you the simulator. On the left, you see the simulation. The agents' colors correspond to their states, but I've disabled some transitions for demonstration purposes.
00:16:34.690 In this example, if a susceptible agent is adjacent to a zombie, they may become infected. Now, I will run the simulation. Assuming that agents are good at fighting back, the healthy agents over time will eliminate the zombies.
00:17:23.630 Even with a simple implementation, you can model complex behaviors. This simulation is inspired by actual work, showing that we can predict epidemic outcomes.
00:17:43.680 You can also explore strategies to combat the disease, such as quarantines and vaccinations. The code is available on GitHub. If you have any questions or want to discuss any topics after the session, feel free to reach out. Thank you!