Random Panel
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Random Panel

by Yehuda Katz, Ben Bleything, Eric Hodel, Coby Randquist, Rein Henrichs, Steven Baker, and Renée De Voursney

Summary of the 'Random Panel' Presentation at Ruby on Ales 2012

The 'Random Panel' session, hosted by notable figures in the Ruby community including Yehuda Katz, Ben Bleything, Eric Hodel, Rein Henrichs, Steven Baker, Coby Randquist, and Renée De Voursney, is an interactive discussion focused on coding practices within the Ruby framework. The panelists engage the audience with humor and insights while tackling the challenges faced when building scalable applications and maintaining clean code.

Key Points:

  • Introduction and Audience Engagement: The session begins with a light-hearted take on a missed presentation, encouraging audience participation from the start. The panelists stress the importance of open dialogue about coding and architecture choices.
  • Challenges in Scaling with Rails: A significant question centers on Twitter's decision to move away from Rails due to scaling issues. The panel explores experiences from their own projects, including the need for robust architectures as they manage billions of weekly requests.
  • Best Practices in Ruby Development: The discussion shifts to practical coding advice:
    • Emphasizing the importance of proper naming conventions for classes and methods.
    • Advocating for a focus on writing clean, maintainable code while minimizing unnecessary complexity.
  • Community Contributions: Various panelists share their experiences and contributions to the Ruby community. Notable mentions include Renée's work with RailsBridge aimed at diversifying the developer community, and Stephen Baker's pivotal role in the creation of RSpec.
  • Fostering a Culture of Collaboration: The panel rounds off discussions with a plea for community engagement. The need for effective documentation, understanding coding principles, and the critical importance of exception handling in Ruby applications are highlighted.
  • Concluding Remarks: The session closes on a positive note, with an affirmation of the open-source spirit that thrives on cooperation and collaboration among developers. The panelists encourage continued discussion and learning, promoting the notion that shared knowledge is key to improving Ruby practices.


  • Active audience participation is crucial for a rich dialogue about coding practices.
  • Maintaining simplicity and clarity in code leads to better, more maintainable applications.
  • Community initiatives play an essential role in enhancing diversity and skill development in programming environments.
  • Understanding the structure of Ruby and its frameworks can significantly improve the skill set of developers, fostering stronger, more effective applications.

The 'Random Panel' session serves as a reminder of the importance of community, collaboration, and continuous learning in technology development.

00:00:23 So, yeah, like Coby said earlier, Tamarind and Randall were meant to be here giving a presentation on building modern service-oriented architectures. I can't even get through that without trying to fall asleep. So, they asked me to give this talk on their behalf. My name is Cameron, I'm Randall Thomas. We were too busy enjoying our whiskey last night to really put this presentation together for you. But you know what? I was enjoying whiskey last night, and I hope this alternative idea works well. Hey, what about the Thunderbolt Labs-sponsored open whiskey bar? That sounded great to me, so here we are.
00:01:15 Now, let's be real; you can all thank me later. Randall accepted the fact that none of that is happening, so... um, Rein, where are you? Stephen Baker, where are you? Good to see you up here, Eric. If you've been to Remy Comic, then you've seen our 'So You Think You Can Code' panel, where we basically just get up here and argue with each other. That's pretty much what we're going to do today, so I hope you enjoy it.
00:01:51 We're here to get word from you guys and ask questions. If there's anything that you would like to know about how not to do something, feel free to toss a hand up, and we'll tell you how not to do it because that's what we're really good at.
00:02:20 Okay, let me start. How do you not write a string? Actually, I'm going to give this one to Rein. I can't think of a case where we would not write a string.
00:02:50 Literally, you always want to use strings. I wonder if you guys have seen the recent blog post about unplugging Rails possibly failing. Has anyone read about that? Do you know how we know about Rails' failure?
00:03:07 That was because it was never successful on the larger scale. The job was just a temporary measure between CoWAL and the guy who was working on Rails, like, what? Yes, so this is only going to work if you guys ask questions, so feel free to start doing that.
00:03:30 We are always pleased to receive questions. This is something I don't actually know exactly what it is, but it's been five minutes, so I think you guys might want to talk about topics relating to this.
00:04:05 Okay, we have another question in the back. Where are you? Great, so I wanted to know: Twitter switched off of Rails for their most stack. I want to know, is it possible to make it scale to that level? We're getting into some serious questions now, so let’s hear some serious answers.
00:04:53 You know, it's an interesting topic. I work at a company that does three billion requests a week, so tell me how can we scale? I don't know how many Twitter does in a week. So, audience participation is key. I typically process at least fifteen percent of my workload clear every day, all day long.
00:05:36 Also, we work twenty-four hours a day, and I'm just wondering when you are moving to Snow. Actually, we're looking for two Rails developers over here at Colton's. If anybody needs a drink, please come by.
00:06:27 Make sure your paths are good; you're doing a good job. Just make sure the life of your gems is up to date! I am personally against GitHub-specific gems; I had a bad experience where it was great but overall didn’t work out.
00:06:54 So, I would really like to request everyone utilize proper naming conventions for classes and methods. One of the best practices is to remove any unnecessary features.
00:07:35 Let's keep the discussion going: what questions should be on our minds right now? I apologize; I’ve been doing Ruby for a few years now.
00:08:01 Quick introductions: My name is Ben Bleything; I've been around in the community for a while. I'd like to mention a guy named Shane Becker who created the first Ruby conference in Seattle back in the early 2000s.
00:08:45 So, Shane and I are putting together the Cascadia Ruby Conference, which is coming up the first weekend in August in Seattle, so that has been an active part of the community. Thanks for finding my contact!
00:09:35 Let’s transition to Stephen Baker. He’s Canadian—by the way, I asked him to say 'aboot' earlier. He's been involved most recently in various projects, and I don't actually have any more details, but he can surely share what he's been up to.
00:10:25 Another interesting tidbit: Stephen wrote the first version of RSpec before turning it over to David and others, so he's basically been pivotal in a lot of things.
00:11:12 Now, let’s give the microphone back to Eric, who seems to have information about various tools that can ease our coding experience. Eric is from CL and has worked on automation that many people love.
00:12:03 I think most of us can relate to wanting better tools in our development environments, and Eric has been innovating in this field.
00:12:49 Oh, and by the way, Rein is getting married next week—let the audience give a hand to Rein! He’s contributed greatly to the community and has a presence at many events.
00:13:36 Besides that, Rein has been active in discussions involving Ruby and PHP, and this has fueled many interesting conversations during his panels.
00:14:18 And last but not least, we have Renée, who has done considerable work within the community. She was involved with RailsBridge, which was designed to encourage more women to enter the Ruby on Rails community.
00:14:50 Her recent workshop had great attendance, requiring attendees to either be female or accompany a female participant, resulting in positive outcomes.
00:15:36 Now, let's clear up a few things. I'm going to apologize on behalf of my family if this ends up being completely horrible. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the topics of our panel.
00:16:05 You all might be wondering, where are Tamarind and Randall? As far as I know, they're being slackers filling in for services. Oh, and there’s a lot to cover; we can't be distracted.
00:16:54 And just for humor, I have thoughts about whiskey! I enjoy it straight up, and if you drink neat, you’ll appreciate the depth it adds to our gatherings.
00:17:45 Finally, what do you think about Rails 4? I like to call it 'Rails Forever.' There seems to be a lot of excitement as we approach its release along with the upcoming Rails 3.
00:18:30 I've worked closely with Aaron Patterson for years, and I can say Rails 4 will be amazing! But really, all these discussions tie back into how we need strong foundations in our frameworks.
00:19:50 I personally would like people to focus more on writing clean code, loosening their coupling a bit. When frameworks change, it shouldn’t feel like a huge pain to adapt.
00:21:00 How about transitioning away from Rails-ish code? There needs to be a greater emphasis on writing good, maintainable code without the overhead of unnecessary complexity.
00:22:00 Has everyone heard about solutions to this in the Ruby community? We have a chance to push for improvements in both Rails and Ruby code practices.
00:22:54 Removing unnecessary layers in our code is invaluable, and I’d like to see less reliance on complicated frameworks to maintain simplicity and legibility.
00:23:40 So let's keep this question going: What do you wish people used more of in Ruby? Let's hear everyone’s thoughts and bring more value into our discussions.
00:24:20 I would like to focus on the concept of 'less'—what would you like to see people use less frequently? People seem to veer towards heavy metaprogramming. We are conscious of our coding practices.
00:25:00 The things we want to avoid might include complex mocking frameworks or overly complicated modules. Simplicity should reign and we need to foster clearer communication in our code.
00:26:20 We all remember our first experiences with Ruby—ask yourself: what did you forget from your initial learning? Understanding the different aspects of error handling can be crucial.
00:27:00 However, are you aware of how to handle exceptions? We sometimes too easily catch exceptions without understanding the root cause, which can lead to major problems.
00:28:00 So, as we move forward, I hope we can foster a culture where we understand not just what to do, but why it's critical to discuss coding practices in a community.
00:29:00 And quickly adding to this. While documentation is essential, knowing how to navigate through our resources effectively matters greatly to ramp up learning for new developers.
00:29:30 By understanding Ruby and all its nuances, we can equip ourselves to create more robust applications that fully capitalize on its potential.
00:30:50 In closing, remember that open-source software thrives on cooperation and collaboration; let’s keep focused on how we can share knowledge and encourage participation.
00:31:40 Thanks for being here today! Let's continue to engage and push forward what we can learn and accomplish together with Ruby.
00:32:10 I appreciate all the discussion and insights brought to the table, and I look forward to our future conversations. Now, let’s take a 15-minute break!
Explore all talks recorded at Ruby on Ales 2012