Refinements - the Worst Feature You Ever Loved
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Refinements - the Worst Feature You Ever Loved

by Paolo "Nusco" Perrotta

The video titled "Refinements - the Worst Feature You Ever Loved" features speaker Paolo "Nusco" Perrotta discussing the Ruby programming language's controversial feature known as refinements. Presented at RubyConf AU 2016, this talk explores the balance between the advantages and potential pitfalls of using refinements, a feature introduced in Ruby 2.

Main Topic

The primary focus is on refinements in Ruby, intended to address the challenges of monkey patching, a prevalent practice in Ruby that allows dynamic class modifications, but often causes issues like global state conflicts and method name clashes.

Key Points

  • Understanding Monkey Patching: The talk begins with an overview of monkey patching, highlighting its role in Ruby's flexibility, allowing developers to extend core classes, but also its risks of breaking existing functionality due to method clashes.
  • Use Cases of Monkey Patching:
    • Convenience Methods: Simplifying everyday coding tasks, exemplified by Active Support’s time management methods.
    • Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs): Powering tools like RSpec, where methods like should need to be defined through class reopening.
  • Refinements as a Solution:
    • Designed to provide localized, safer patches without affecting global state.
    • Active through a two-step process: defining a refinement through a module and activating it with the using method in a specific context.
  • Challenges with Refinements:
    • The potential for confusion when using refinements alongside traditional class modifications.
    • Inconsistency in refinement scope when changes occur in class structures, which can lead to problematic debugging and unclear behaviors.
    • Potential performance implications due to the overhead caused by dynamically scoped refinements.
  • Conclusion on Trade-offs:
    • While refinements address some issues related to monkey patching, they introduce their own complexities that can lead to confusion if not well managed.
    • Developers must critically assess the use of refinements in the context of their projects to determine if benefits outweigh drawbacks.
    • Encourages experimentation with refinements, focusing on careful implementation and understanding their implication on code clarity and maintainability.


  • Refinements hold the potential to enhance code quality by mitigating risks associated with monkey patching, but require a thoughtful approach.
  • Continuous learning and experience with refinements enable developers to harness their benefits while navigating the challenges.
  • Ultimately, refinements may lead to cleaner, more maintainable Ruby code if embraced carefully.

The session concludes with an invitation for questions, emphasizing community dialogue on the use of refinements and best practices in Ruby development.

00:00:00.719 Why do we have refinements in the first place? What is the problem that refinements are supposed to solve? In Ruby, you can always reopen a class and modify it. For instance, I can reopen the String class, which is part of the core library, and define a new method called 'display' that shows the string in a very happy and joyful fashion. Now, I can do that on any string.
00:00:04.319 A computer scientist might call this 'dynamic class scope', or you could say it’s about open classes. Most of us just call it monkey patching. This is slightly ironic because monkey patching is one of the defining features of Ruby. So why do we care about this strange feature, given that most languages don’t even have it? Well, if you sit down and think about the use cases for monkey patching, you could probably identify a handful.
00:00:20.680 Among them, there are two that are so common they are often the only reasons we engage in monkey patching. The first use case is convenience methods. This is the textbook example of convenience methods. It's not original; it’s what Active Support does with time management methods. For instance, instead of writing out hours and minutes as numbers, I can simply write '1 hour plus 20 minutes'. This is more aesthetically pleasing and improves readability.
00:00:39.760 The second use case is building domain-specific languages (DSLs), which can be seen as convenience methods on steroids. Again, I won’t get too deep into this, but I can give a basic example: a test written in RSpec. To make it work, methods like 'should' must be defined for any object, and RSpec achieves this by reopening the Object class and defining the 'should' method. Thus, while monkey patching is not solely about DSLs, they wouldn't be possible in this form without monkey patching.
00:01:05.280 However, I would argue that while it’s not essential, it’s a nice feature that gives Ruby its unique charm. So why might it be seen as a problem? Why do some classify it as problematic? Take that example I mentioned earlier; it could break Ruby. Why? Because if I was actually redefining a method, I would not be doing what I believed I was doing. I wasn't defining a new 'display' method since a method by that name already exists in String.
00:01:31.520 In fact, there’s a 'display' method defined on any object in Ruby. Most developers may not even know it exists because it’s seldom used, but it is there. I inadvertently redefined it, breaking the functionality of all code that relies on the original method, including potentially code in the core library classes. This is the fundamental issue with monkey patches: they create global state.
00:01:58.480 Global state is problematic because it can lead to name clashes. Although I could identify this specific clash fairly easily, the same issue could occur elsewhere in my own application as well as in dependence on gems, especially during updates. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it introduces a significant amount of pain. So how can we fix the problems associated with monkey patches?
00:02:29.680 We need local monkey patches. This is what refinements are intended to solve. Refinements do a decent job of addressing the issues because they are straightforward to implement. Applying a refinement is not particularly harder than monkey patching, and it occurs in two steps. The first step involves defining the refinement with a module.
00:02:50.760 Modules have many uses in Ruby; we use them as mixins and namespaces, and now, they can also be used to define refinements. By defining a refinement and activating it within the appropriate context, you can extend or change the behavior of classes without the risk of affecting other code.
00:03:05.839 To activate a refinement, we also utilize a module. The process involves giving this module a descriptive name to avoid confusion since we have two modules: one for defining the refinement and the other for activating it. In the module where I activate my refinement, I use the 'using' method to scope the activation to that particular module, ensuring that the refinement is local.
00:03:37.200 I can use this nicely scoped refinement without the risk of it leaking into other parts of my code. The refinements only remain active right after the 'using' statement and up to the end of the module. Additionally, it’s possible to invoke 'using' at the top level of my program, which would then apply the refinement to the entire file.
00:03:58.520 That’s basically how refinements work—two steps to define and activate them, allowing for localized monkey patches. This theoretically solves the original issues with monkey patches, making refinements seem like an ideal solution. When refinements were first introduced, their conceptual design appeared sound.
00:04:25.760 However, problems arise when attempting to use refinements in combination with traditional class modifications. If I'm using a refinement within a specific class, what happens if I later modify that class? The previous patterns of monkey patching might suggest that it would work seamlessly, but that’s not the case.
00:04:48.640 This leads to questions surrounding the dynamic nature of Ruby. Those familiar with Ruby might recall the ease with which classes can be modified at any point. Consequently, this raises concerns about the active scope of refinements if we change a class structure after defining a refinement.
00:05:18.240 For example, if I create a subclass from a class using a refinement, is that refinement still going to be usable in subclasses? You may also want to consider how refined methods react to code executed via mechanisms such as 'class_eval', which is designed to execute a code block in the context of the specified class.
00:05:40.840 Thus, the key question is whether the refinements retain their intended scope when invoked in such dynamic contexts or is flexibility being compromised? This inconsistency poses a need to evaluate whether the expected behaviors hold true, which can lead to confusion in development.
00:06:05.760 Furthermore, using dynamically scoped refinements can lead to obscure behaviors, making it difficult for developers to predict when and how code might behave differently based on its context. It’s essential to recognize these issues can lead to unintended consequences and make debugging significantly more challenging.
00:06:27.920 As such, can refinements indirectly result in performance issues? Yes, the introduction of refinements can slow down overall Ruby performance, not just for code using refinements but for the total application. This has been a source of debate due to the implications it has for legacy code.
00:06:55.520 If we recap our trade-offs, the conclusion is that while dynamically scoped refinements fix some monkey patching problems, they can cause code to become confusing and redundant. This led to extensive discussions regarding whether such an approach was worth pursuing when Ruby 2 was being developed.
00:07:31.440 Ultimately, the decision to implement these refinements resulted in a series of compromises wherein their intended benefits were scrutinized against potential downsides. Developers were left to determine, in practical scenarios, if the advantages outweighed the drawbacks.
00:08:01.840 To address the original problems of monkey patches, the enhancements encapsulated in the refinement concept could indeed be beneficial, provided the nuances are well understood. We observed, through example, that the refinements you might wish to employ aren’t as straightforward as they could initially seem.
00:08:31.760 More importantly, merely introducing a 'using' statement does not eradicate the necessity to reflect on its use thoroughly, as it can lead to further inconsistencies if not managed aptly. The complexity of resolving scope, refinement applications, and awareness of the hidden ramifications become vital components of any Ruby programmer's toolkit.
00:09:06.440 That said, despite these concerns, many may still choose to experiment with refinements. Whether or not they provide a net positive effect will vary from project to project. The underlying principle is to ascertain its applicability within your specific code context, judging its impact on clarity versus its inherent intricacies.
00:09:46.840 In the end, while they have the potential to improve the hygiene of code by mitigating monkey patching concerns, developers must still be conscious of how they are implemented and remain vigilant about their implications. And although refinements are not universally adopted, cautious implementation can lead you to beneficial outcomes in certain contexts.
00:10:15.680 Therefore, I encourage everyone to consider refinements. Give them a chance, weigh their use against the practicalities of your project, and see if they might offer improvements without inadvertently introducing complications. With thoughtful consideration, refinements could enhance your Ruby experience by lessening the pollution of the global namespace and resulting in clearer, more maintainable code.
00:10:48.520 Lastly, I emphasize the importance of continuous learning. Each experience with refinements—and Ruby as a whole—affords an opportunity to grow as a developer. There’s always potential to benefit from understanding features that may initially seem daunting or counterproductive.
00:11:18.920 In conclusion, embrace refinements thoughtfully, as they might just pave the way to write cleaner, more robust Ruby code without succumbing to the chaos that monkey patching can bring. Thank you for your attention, and I'm happy to answer any questions!
Explore all talks recorded at RubyConf AU 2016