Now we're back. Welcome back everybody! Before we get started with our next talk, I've got another developer dilemma for you. The link is about to go into the YouTube chat, and the question is: should developers do design, or should designers do development? Feel free to jump in and cast your votes.
Raita, why don't you tell us what we've got next in store?
Well, our next speaker is Tatiana. Welcome Tatiana!
Let's see if we can get Tatiana in our studio. Hey Tatiana, welcome!
So, Tatiana is a Backend Engineer at GitLab, where she works on security analysis. In her spare time, she enjoys drawing or painting with any materials available.
In this talk, Tatiana will explore what we can create using Ruby and OpenGL. We'll learn about the basics of OpenGL and eventually how we can build our own game engine. So, Tatiana, the mic is yours.
Thanks! Today, I wanted to talk about graphic programming. As you know, my daytime job involves working on a security analysis feature, which is a completely different field.
We usually tend to think about Ruby as a back-end language that is used for server-client applications, but it can do much more. Personally, I love to draw and paint with any materials I have, and I was really interested in how I can do this using Ruby. I would like to share my findings with you today.
I'll share my screen so I can show you what I've got. Let's get started with a disclaimer: I’ll be discussing some super low-level concepts today. This is not a production way to create level animations or modern video games. We will be operating at the vertex level, meaning we will create points one by one to form our scene.
However, it's super fun to understand how it works under the hood. The code that I'm sharing now is a script to create a scene in Ruby.
Let's take a look. The first picture for today is just a black screen, but we can resize and close the window.
To make this work, we need two things: first, 'ruby-opengl', which is a binding for the OpenGL API, and second, 'GLFW', a simple controller for window handling and keyboard/mouse callbacks.
So, what exactly is the OpenGL API? It allows us to communicate with graphic processing units (GPUs). It helps us assemble arrays of vertices, shade and rasterize them, and then render them onto our screens. We’re talking about the core level of the OpenGL standard, which has changed over time.
In the future, this may be replaced with the Vulkan API, which is more modern and utilizes the advanced functionalities of today's GPUs. OpenGL operates at a very low level; it does not provide functions for creating complex shapes, which makes it more difficult to draw spheres, circles, or curves, since we need the coordinates of all those points.
Nonetheless, with plain OpenGL, we can quickly create nice scenes. Let's take a look at how such graphic programming looks. First, we create our window, and I’ll make it a bit bigger. When we set up this OpenGL window, we can define a callback from the keyboard to listen to all the events happening with the keyboard, mice, and gamepads.
In our case, we’re interested in detecting when the Escape key is pressed, allowing us to close the window. After setting up the window, we begin entering the main loop of our application, where everything is drawn. The loop processes continuously on every frame change.
OpenGL typically operates in two buffers. In the first buffer, we draw our scenes, and once finished, we swap to the second buffer which gets displayed on the screen.
During the rendering loop, we want to handle changes in the window size by adjusting the frame buffer, which holds the scene being rendered.
We set up the viewport to define the projection point through which we observe the scene, clear any previous drawings, and then draw something new.
To draw something, we begin by calling the 'glBegin' function with an argument that specifies what we want to draw, like lines or triangles. We'll use 'glEnd' to finish this process.
After defining the drawing type, we use 'glVertex3' to define our points. However, I’ll copy some code that I have prepared to speed up the process.
Now I’ll explain it: I want to color the axes using a predefined color library I created, which uses the 'glColor' function with RGB channel coordinates. We can then apply this color to the vertices we want.
I'm using a rotation function so we can see the scene from different angles, which allows us to have a dynamic view. Let's see how that works. You can see the viewport is rotating, showcasing our entire scene.
Next, I wanted to draw more complex shapes, like a pyramid. Though it's more challenging within OpenGL, it is necessary to create custom functions.
Creating a pyramid involves calculating four critical points. Once I figured out the geometric parameters, it turned out to be easier than I had anticipated.
The apex point and base coordinates can be determined fairly easily once you understand the side measurements of the pyramid.
Now, let's draw this pyramid using the coordinates and colors needed.
After rendering it, I realized I could enhance interactivity. Right now, there’s a simple animation, but allowing the user to control scene rotation would be more engaging.
To achieve this, we require callback handlers for keypress events, allowing the user to manipulate rotation while exploring the scene.
OpenGL applies geometric transformations which lets users navigate through the environment.
Next, we can add more objects to our scene, enabling the user to increase the complexity of what they see by pressing a designated key.
Once we press a designated key, we will add more objects, with random colors and shapes, allowing for diverse experiences.
Next, we could experiment with the number of objects drawn onto the scene to see how it affects performance.
This exploration may lead to different results based on how complex the scene has become.
Ultimately, I wanted to share that creating interactive applications with Ruby and OpenGL is an enriching experience that encourages creativity!
I hope you all enjoyed this presentation, and I'm looking forward to answering your questions!
Thank you Tatiana, that was wonderful!
I love these types of talks taking shape—what a great presentation!
Let's jump into some questions. So, Tatiana, one of the questions is: What made you want to try OpenGL?
Basically, I wanted to draw something, and there weren't many options available to do that easily. OpenGL is a cross-platform API used across various devices, and I wanted to understand the low-level details of graphic rendering.
Even though there are graphic engines and libraries, I found it exciting to dig into how OpenGL works under the hood. It makes it fun and interesting—it's more about math processing at that point!
Thank you! I'm curious to know if you have looked into WebGL as well.
I haven't tried WebGL with Ruby yet, but I have some experience using OpenGL for games and game engines. It made it easier for me to start coding with OpenGL, which uses similar techniques to WebGL.
Thank you, Tatiana! I'm ready to bring on the next guest for our panel.