


by Joseph Wilk

In the session titled "d[-_-]b REPL-ELECTRIC," presented at RubyConf 2018 by Joseph Wilk, the speaker explores the concept of live coding, emphasizing its potential in music and visual performance. The performance showcases the integration of various technologies and coding practices to create real-time audiovisual experiences. Throughout the presentation, Wilk shares his approach to live coding using tools like Sonic Pi, Unity 3D, Emacs, and Ableton Live.

Key points covered include:

- Live Performance: Wilk demonstrates a live coding performance, sharing that everything is improvised and generated in real-time with no pre-recorded material.

- Technical Setup: He describes his complex setup involving Unity 3D for visuals, Emacs as an editor for coding, Sonic Pi for audio synthesis, and Ableton Live for MIDI control.

- Coding Philosophy: Emphasizing that coding can be an expressive medium, Wilk introduces the idea of viewing programming not just as a technical skill but as a form of art.

- Communication between Platforms: He discusses the use of OSC (Open Sound Control) for facilitating communication between Ruby, Unity, and Sonic Pi, highlighting the importance of the Clack library for this integration.

- Education and Outreach: Wilk expresses a desire to engage with students, illustrating how programming can foster creativity, and collaborates with professional composers to show the role of programming in music composition.

- Personal Development and Sharing: He mentions the practical aspects of tracking performance history using Git commits and aims to share knowledge and resources through links and personalized interactions post-performance.

The performance also alludes to Wilk's experiences in navigating the music industry, humorously referencing a naming incident involving his album. He concludes by inviting the audience to explore his work further and emphasizes the availability of open-source tools and resources in live coding. Overall, the takeaway is a celebration of the fusion between coding, creativity, and live performance, showcasing how artistic expression can be achieved through technology, particularly in the realm of music and visual art.

00:00:15.800 Yes, my name is Joseph Wilk. I am a programmer, and today I am going to give you a live performance controlling visuals and music all live coded.
00:00:22.470 Everything is done live—nothing is pre-recorded, and nothing is pre-rendered. This is all done with live synthesis using the Unity 3D game engine.
00:00:35.910 I've never performed this before, so it's very improvised. It will probably go horribly wrong, and if it does, I will slam the laptop lid, and we will forget this ever happened.
00:00:43.739 So without further ado, I'll stop talking and start trying to make some noise. This is done using Sonic Pi, Unity 3D, and a whole ton of other tools, which I will show you in Emacs.
00:13:55.980 There is an exquisite blend between beauty and practicality; there is no reason to sacrifice either one. People who are willing to compromise on either do not really understand what computing is all about.
00:14:37.569 Now, let me reveal the magic of all that mess and how bad my code is. As you can see, Emacs is chugging because it can't handle rendering an OpenGL window while doing 3D graphics.
00:14:41.480 Let me just point out what I have here: Unity 3D is running in the background, and on top of that is a transparent terminal running Emacs. There are many layers to what I'm doing here; probably, Emacs is the place to start.
00:15:28.870 Emacs has direct controls to the graphics and visuals in Unity. There’s live synthesis through SuperCollider and Sonic Pi, as well as Ableton Live, which is controlling MIDI directed to things like my modular synthesizer.
00:15:41.209 When I say I am live coding, I don’t think of myself as a musician; rather, I see it as a musical instrument. Emacs runs a UDP server, allowing me to control speeds while triggering values. It broadcasts messages to both the game engine and the audio engine.
00:16:08.480 That’s the beauty of code—it allows me to manipulate many things through patterns and the execution of functions, which has many implications in the performance world.
00:16:14.930 Every time I run code in Emacs, it flashes, indicating it’s being sent to a Ruby server called Sonic Pi, which executes the Ruby code and sends messages to the graphics engine. What you see here are just functions executing various actions—some of them quite hideous, I admit.
00:16:36.620 As I mentioned, beneath it all, it’s quite messy. If I were being fancy, I would say I implemented macro precompilation in Ruby, but at its core, I end up using regular expressions to handle the data structure.
00:17:04.250 This is my personal Ruby—it’s how I express myself. It matters to me that I focus on details that may not matter to others. I also utilize a prefix notation and some other techniques that I'll skip over for now.
00:17:37.050 Here is Ableton Live, another crucial aspect of my setup. Unity 3D isn't open-source, but you can get a free license. Ableton is the only paid software I’m using; it’s essential for rendering lots of MIDI.
00:17:56.680 I wanted to show you what’s happening under the hood, as there’s a lot going on in Unity. You can't do everything in Ruby, though you could embed Ruby if you wanted.
00:18:04.340 What I am doing is building a scene with multiple controls, which are then sent using OSC (Open Sound Control)—the duct tape of all art performance work using computers.
00:18:21.060 This scene wasn't pre-designed; you'll see that there are many paths and choices. For example, I had a tree that I decided not to open, just to demonstrate what I composed without all the fancy features.
00:18:39.640 I will provide a link later so you can explore this for yourself—my real goal is to help you understand how to connect Ruby with Unity. What you see is effectively a patch graph with many OSC endpoints that look like URLs.
00:19:02.500 I’m sending Ruby messages from my code to specific OSC addresses, controlling various simulations with smooth transitions because jarring transitions are not friendly.
00:19:15.679 There are many messy bits in the code, which I probably won’t show you, but my goal is to give you something to take away. I haven't talked about this much before, so I wanted to share some links to help you explore this.
00:19:40.570 It's exciting to think about Ruby from this different perspective, considering programming as an expressive performance medium and how that shapes our ideas.
00:19:44.190 The first thing I perform is REPL-ELECTRIC, which is my live coding entity. I’ll share the source code of an album I created through Ruby code, which is a deviation from one of the tracks.
00:20:09.290 You can browse the source and see everything I worked on today. There was a playful incident involving Spotify and iTunes due to naming my album ASCII Art—I'll let you discover the details.
00:20:39.490 This is how I perform—with Sonic Pi, a free open-source tool using Ruby to live code music and audio. Sonic Pi is built to work seamlessly with various editors.
00:21:16.540 My goal is to visit schools and show children how programming languages can be expressive tools for creativity. I also work with professional composers for film and TV to demonstrate how programming can augment their creativity.
00:21:46.670 So, there’s a spectrum where I can engage with students and encourage them to open-source their music, empower them to make better music than I ever could, and potentially compose music at a professional level.
00:22:05.360 As I said, you can get a free license for Unity 3D, and while you can use it, there are many other alternatives like Ruby shoes or browser-based applications.
00:22:46.350 There's a vibrant community around live coding, and I’m happy to give recommendations for other tools to explore.
00:22:48.370 The most important library for enabling communication between Unity and Sonic Pi is called Clack. It’s not very well known, so I mention it because you'll need it to connect these two platforms.
00:23:15.860 By installing it, you’ll be able to send messages from Ruby to Unity, allowing for an exciting interaction between these two systems.
00:23:41.640 If you enjoy my music, thank you. I believe I might be the first person to publish an album on Spotify by executing Ruby code. You can find it on Spotify, Bandcamp, and other platforms.
00:24:10.410 I remember that each time I run my live coding session in Emacs, I make a Git commit. This means I can track the complete history of the performance and the creation process.
00:24:39.860 I will share this with people who are interested; please come see me afterward if you want to talk about any of this.
00:24:56.060 I'm very happy to share this with you and help you get started. Thank you very much, everyone.