Game Development

Graphics and Simulations (and Games), Oh My!

Graphics and Simulations (and Games), Oh My!

by Ryan Davis

In the talk titled "Graphics and Simulations (and Games), Oh My!" presented by Ryan Davis at RubyConf 2018, the focus is on simplifying graphics programming for Ruby developers. The speaker introduces a Ruby gem called 'graphics' aimed at making it easier for beginners to create visual simulations and generative art without requiring extensive knowledge of complex game mechanics or mathematics.

Key Points Discussed:
- Introduction to Graphics in Ruby: Davis explains the challenges Rubyists face in visualizing their ideas due to dependencies and the learning curve associated with traditional graphics programming.
- The Graphics Gem: He presents the 'graphics' gem, highlighting its clean API designed for ease of use. This gem allows users to quickly transform ideas into visual simulations with minimal setup and effort.
- Approachability for Beginners: Emphasizing that the library is structured around grade school mathematics rather than complex game programming conventions, Davis hopes to demystify graphical programming for non-experts.
- Real Examples: The presentation includes extensive code examples demonstrating how to create simulations from scratch. For instance:
- Creating a bouncing ball simulation with a simple structure.
- Developing generative art using random lines and shapes.
- Simulating fluid dynamics and agent-based models like Conway's Game of Life and flocking behavior in Boyd's model.
- Interactive Examples: Davis shows how to implement interactivity in simulations, such as controlling a tank in a simple game, adding depth to the programming experience.
- Optimization and Performance: The talk discusses optimizations in the gem using SDL2 to enhance graphics performance significantly.
- Testing and Extensibility: While testing visual and interactive elements can be challenging, Davis shares insights on logging and separating graphics from simulations for better efficiency.

Davis concludes by encouraging participants to explore the capabilities of the 'graphics' gem as a tool for enhancing their development toolbox, making graphics programming accessible to those with varying levels of experience. Overall, the talk serves as an invitation to create engaging visual content effortlessly in Ruby.

00:00:15.470 Hello! Holy crap, it’s packed! I did not expect this many people for this type of talk.
00:00:21.560 Thank you so much for joining me today. I'm Ryan Davis, and today I'm going to be talking about graphics and running simulations.
00:00:27.359 I should note that despite the title, there will be no Wizard of Oz references.
00:00:32.550 I’m very sorry about that, but it sets a level of expectation regarding my graphics prowess, and I just don’t have that.
00:00:39.570 Something I like to do in all my talks is to set expectations up front. This talk is about half show-and-tell and about half tutorial.
00:00:46.320 It has a medium level of code compared to my normal talks, and it is suitable for developers of all levels.
00:00:51.899 I have about one hundred and eighty slides. If I give some time for Q&A at the end, that works out to about five slides per minute.
00:00:58.469 But first, a little bit about me. I've been coding professionally for a long time—eighteen of those years in Ruby.
00:01:03.960 I am the founder of Seattle.rb, the first and oldest Ruby Brigade in the world.
00:01:09.060 I am the author of MiniTest, Flog, Flay, Ruby Parser, and a whole lot of other gems.
00:01:14.189 I figured out this year that I have pushed over a thousand gems into the Ruby ecosystem.
00:01:20.880 I’m a developer’s developer. I really enjoy building tools that we all use.
00:01:27.420 I run Stealer Bee Consulting at
00:01:34.229 I really hate these types of slides in these talks. I’m sorry about this but I need new clients, and speaking is my primary lead generator.
00:01:42.509 So, what is graphics, and why does it have such a boring name? I was tired of nonsensical names like MiniSkirt and Nokogiri.
00:01:47.610 Both 'graphics' and 'simulation' were available, and I literally flipped a coin and wound up with 'graphics'.
00:01:53.880 Quite simply, graphics is a gem that I wrote that you can install right now.
00:02:00.450 Unfortunately, it's still in beta, so you have to use --pre. I apologize for that.
00:02:06.719 I’m going to try to fix that today. It tries to provide a simple framework for implementing simulations.
00:02:12.930 This can include digital art, custom visualizations, and even games.
00:02:17.970 It is designed to follow grade school mathematical conventions, not game programming conventions. I’ll elaborate on this later.
00:02:25.440 I want to demystify graphical programming, generative art, simulation, scientific visualization, and simple games.
00:02:30.900 I want to show that these topics aren’t actually hard.
00:02:37.050 Perhaps most importantly, I don’t want to just add a new tool to your toolbox.
00:02:42.120 I want you to be able to use data to add an extra dimension to your work or to understand a problem that you’re facing.
00:02:48.870 But first, a simple word of warning: I am not an artist or a graphical programmer.
00:02:55.460 I’m aesthetically challenged, especially in electronic mediums. Look at my website for proof!
00:03:03.030 I don’t have a strong math background, particularly in linear algebra and other areas heavily used in graphics.
00:03:11.250 I’m not a scientist, and I’m definitely not a game developer. I will never write the next version of Doom.
00:03:17.130 This makes me a perfect candidate to try to write a graphics framework for the rest of us.
00:03:23.550 I’m damn good at making tools to help me and other developers out.
00:03:29.190 So, I’ve made this gem to be as useful and powerful as possible while simultaneously making it as simple as I could.
00:03:35.100 I prefer real examples over theory and marketing fluff, so let’s quickly get concrete with a real and tangible example.
00:03:40.560 Let’s start with a black window. This is all it takes: you require graphics.
00:03:45.990 You create a new class and subclass graphics:::simulation, where G:::S is just shorthand.
00:03:51.660 In this talk, I’ll be including a white background in all the classes because I wasn’t quite sure how good the projection would be.
00:03:59.280 You know, a thin line on black might not come through.
00:04:04.860 You instantiate it, tell it to run, and you wind up with a blank canvas that defaults to half the width and height of your actual screen.
00:04:13.050 To actually draw something, we have a draw method where we call super.
00:04:18.660 Then we declare a circle in the middle of the window with a radius of 15, set to be blue and filled.
00:04:23.820 You see a circle, but there’s no state or behavior with this setup.
00:04:31.080 To improve this, I want to make this a bit more complex.
00:04:36.240 I declare a body subclass called Ball, and I set the count to be one.
00:04:41.669 Then I create a class called View with a draw class method that takes the window and the ball to draw.
00:04:48.000 The drawing code uses `bettaX` and `bNotY`, but it’s otherwise very similar. Next, we get rid of the original draw method.
00:04:56.159 Back in the simulation, I add an initializer and declare that the ball is going to be used by calling register bodies with the result of populate ball.
00:05:02.099 It’s not too different; everything has just been displaced a little.
00:05:08.699 This allows for state and behavior, and this is when things start to get interesting.
00:05:14.240 We can add an initializer to the ball, call super, and then set both the angle and magnitude to random values.
00:05:21.900 The X and Y positions of the bodies are determined via super.
00:05:28.080 Now, to add behavior, I want to introduce an update method to the ball. Is that running? Interesting!
00:05:33.990 It's running, but it's not showing on my screen, so I need to stop looking at it for now.
00:05:40.949 We’re going to tell it to move and then wrap around if necessary.
00:05:46.409 This is similar to how the classic game Asteroids works. If we change from wrap to bounce, where a 0 means no friction, we will get behavior similar to the classic game Pong.
00:05:54.569 If we add a small down vector to the ball's velocity with a default friction (i.e., not zero), we can simulate how a real ball would bounce.
00:06:01.139 We’ve created three very different behaviors with three very small changes.
00:06:09.240 Finally, by simply changing count from one to 25, we make this much more interesting and dynamic.
00:06:16.949 Now, we have a simulation class that declares a white background and states that the ball should be used.
00:06:23.759 That's all it does. We have a body named ball that will populate 25 balls in the simulation. We have gravity constants, some random setup, and very basic behavior.
00:06:30.870 The balls are bouncing under constant gravity, and finally, the ball declares a view class that defines how to draw a ball in a stateless manner.
00:06:35.940 Twenty-eight lines of code ultimately make it only look complex because it’s split across three slides to make it readable.
00:06:41.890 Its entirety is only barely formatted to fit on the slide, and it's not too bad in my opinion—it really is easy enough that anyone can do it.
00:06:47.650 So, this gave you an idea of what graphics programming looks like with the graphics gem, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. Let's explore more.
00:07:01.120 Let's start with generative art. Here are criss-crossing lines with random jitter added to their X and Y.
00:07:07.960 They are very lightly colored translucent black, but since there are 300 of them, they quickly become solid dark black.
00:07:13.300 This is the exact same code with slightly tweaked behavior: instead of crisscrossing the lines, each segment is jittered away from the previous.
00:07:19.060 This creates a fountain or jet effect. This is a complex wave pattern.
00:07:24.970 What's cool is that this is not 3D math; it's actually really simple underneath—it's just emergent behavior that looks 3D.
00:07:31.960 This artwork was contributed by Joss Cheikh, who’s been posting amazing videos using graphics and has a lot more graphical skill than I do.
00:07:39.040 Here is another piece by Joss Cheikh—I just can’t get over what he’s done with the graphics gem. It kills me!
00:07:44.380 His art is set to music, while mine is not. Sorry.
00:07:50.650 This is an emulation of Piet Mondrian’s artwork with animations added, and we’ll see more of that later.
00:08:03.340 A few months back, I attended an art exhibit where several pieces showed their maths, so I took a picture of this one.
00:08:08.830 I translated it into Ruby; it’s only 42 lines of code.
00:08:14.770 Let’s look at some more math-oriented examples. I hope this reads well. Oh, it reads fine! That’s great!
00:08:22.960 This is a very simple proof of concept demonstrating how you could implement the Logo programming system in Ruby.
00:08:29.350 It's taking terminal input to a drawing turtle to draw a square, and this is the standard fractal tree.
00:08:34.780 This was contributed by Justin Collins. This is a simple visualization of Quadrant 1 math with a polynomial—nothing special, really simple.
00:08:40.660 This also reads really well. This projector is fantastic! Buy one!
00:08:46.390 This simulates bouncing balls expanding a polygon to calculate the value of Pi.
00:08:52.400 It's hard to see, but the Kern estimate of Pi is shown in the window's title. It only reaches 3.13 by the time the video loops.
00:08:59.430 However, it does hit 3.14 at some point.
00:09:04.310 Now, the part that fascinates me the most is simulations. Here is a more complete version of the bouncing balls example that I gave before.
00:09:21.780 We’ll look at two very different versions of Conway's Game of Life, Boyd’s or a flocking simulation, which we’ll explore more later.
00:09:27.150 We have two different versions of fluid dynamics simulations.
00:09:33.120 These use the same maths entirely but employ different visualizations to show the current density.
00:09:39.540 A colored gamut is being used on the right, and then you can see little spheres as they hit the bottom while the density grows.
00:09:47.460 This canvas drawing represents the Vance or virtual ants algorithm which we’ll see more of later.
00:09:57.690 This might be a little hard to see, but this simulates many randomly moving bodies with collision detection and handling trails so you can see their paths.
00:10:03.240 There’s also random goal-changing behavior.
00:10:09.930 The reason why I got into this in the first place is that I wanted to write a zombie outbreak epidemic simulator.
00:10:15.270 This shows one of the very few cases where the priests win and kill all the zombies.
00:10:21.510 While not an explicit goal of the gem, it is totally possible to implement games.
00:10:27.420 This example shows the use of collision maps and sprites. This is a vector-based tank that you control.
00:10:35.100 Unfortunately, I’m driving it poorly. This is a bitmap version with a slightly more sophisticated implementation.
00:10:40.830 This is where I started to switch to the Model View Controller setup that I showed you before.
00:10:46.080 It even makes pew pew noises when you shoot! This showcases user interaction using the mouse.
00:10:51.840 Finally, here is a random maze generation using Jamie's 'Mazez for Programmers' book.
00:10:59.550 He gave a really good talk in Salt Lake a couple of years back, and I was enthused by it, so I implemented it during his talk.
00:11:05.639 Now, I would like to take a moment to talk about how graphics feel different to me to emphasize my goals.
00:11:17.279 While I’ve been working on this, I want to optimize the library to be approachable.
00:11:24.300 I aim to ideally target workshops for beginners, other non-computer science folk, and non-game developers.
00:11:30.300 I want this to be understandable and easy to install.
00:11:36.899 There are platform-specific external dependencies, and I apologize for that, but it’s essential for performance.
00:11:41.970 I want the graphics gem to be a single gem install that works like any other gem.
00:11:48.240 I have removed and normalized as much as I can to make it usable for anyone with any background.
00:11:54.660 It is optimized to get the first pixels on screen as quickly as possible, with as little boilerplate as needed.
00:12:00.029 Providing new developers quick and easy feedback is very empowering.
00:12:06.329 While there's no ending yet, a single file is all it takes to experiment; it's simply a matter of editing and running.
00:12:14.550 I want this to operate like any other script; I don’t want it to be an AMP or all the rails or other large frameworks.
00:12:19.889 Wherever possible, graphics uses real math unless you need to use the computer's built-in trig functions.
00:12:26.160 The trig functions are always specified in radians, but everything in graphics uses degrees.
00:12:31.790 Graphics uses quadrant one math just like you used in grade school.
00:12:37.319 Unlike game math coordinates, which looks like quadrant four for some reason (where Y is still positive even though it's going down), graphics uses the right-hand rule.
00:12:44.370 Here, 0 degrees is to the east, 90 to the north, etc. Again, just like in grade school.
00:12:51.990 This ensures that the mathematical concepts you learned in grade school still work as intended.
00:12:57.839 It reduces the cognitive load when implementing your simulations.
00:13:03.360 Moreover, graphics is opinionated. It wants to be pretty.
00:13:09.470 There are over 20 graphic primitives available in graphics, with more to come.
00:13:14.819 Everything is anti-aliased by default; alpha blending is automatic based on the color that you are drawing.
00:13:20.010 There are plenty of helpers to keep your code as clean as possible, and there will probably be more to come.
00:13:25.800 Now, let’s talk about how this works. First, we’ll discuss the update and draw loop at the highest level possible.
00:13:31.230 We have a model, which is the state of your simulation.
00:13:37.650 Each turn, that model gets drawn or rendered onto a canvas.
00:13:44.430 In turn, that canvas gets copied to the actual screen.
00:13:49.530 Our loop is really just three calls: update, which changes the model for this turn; draw, which renders the model onto a canvas; and present, which finally copies that canvas to the screen.
00:13:57.390 As an aside, this is what I want to feel like. On every turn, there’s a new blank canvas, you draw some things, and then you copy them to the screen.
00:14:04.830 Under the covers, there might be two or more canvases that take turns updating and copying to the screen.
00:14:10.650 These are details you don’t really need to know most of the time, but they can trip you up on occasion.
00:14:18.810 There’s other stuff involved, but the basic run loop works like this: update n times, where n is usually one.
00:14:23.970 Then draw and render to the screen. The update, by default, tells all registered bodies to update themselves.
00:14:30.240 The default draw phase clears the canvas, then tells each registered body to render itself via the body’s view class.
00:14:35.370 It’s a bit more than this, but this is the gist.
00:14:41.910 Finally, the render phase calls down to the lower layers: the graphics engine, to do the stuff and make it actually display on the screen.
00:14:48.870 There’s a very basic class hierarchy. Abstract Simulation has nearly all the meat in it.
00:14:53.880 If anything, I should just rename it to Simulation. Graphics Simulation is the class you’ll use 80% of the time.
00:15:00.570 It has all the normal functionality described so far.
00:15:05.640 If anything you do changes over time, this is probably the class that you want to start with.
00:15:11.400 On each turn, it clears the window by default and uses very smooth drawing; by that I mean it uses double buffering under the covers.
00:15:18.090 The other 20% of the time, you might want to use graphics drawing.
00:15:24.660 It does not clear the canvas on each turn and uses a single canvas that is persistent throughout all turns.
00:15:31.140 It uses a single buffered draw from that one canvas. It’s static, so it’s meant to draw things that are either entirely aesthetic or that start off static but are additive over time.
00:15:37.170 This makes for good plots and simulations, or art, where the canvas itself is part of the state.
00:15:43.920 Okay, that's well and good, but what can you actually do? How do you draw things?
00:15:54.510 Let’s look at each one. For the sake of making these slides readable, I’ve defined the following values and methods for use in the examples.
00:16:01.230 We have a default margin of 50, random X and Y, a random color from all the registered colors that defaults to, and a random boolean.
00:16:07.170 For things that need multiple different values, I’ve got a `rand50` method that returns a random integer between 0 and 50.
00:16:13.350 So, clearing the screen: not much to say here. The first thing you almost always want to do on each turn is to clear the screen.
00:16:18.779 This happens by default when you use simulation. The point is the most basic building block, but not necessarily something you’re going to directly use very often.
00:16:25.140 Here we are creating a thousand random points on each turn with random colors, and it just basically becomes noise.
00:16:31.860 Drawing a line is pretty straightforward as well: it takes two pairs of X and Y values and a color.
00:16:43.160 Here we’re using the window height and the current turn number to animate angles.
00:16:49.500 A line takes a single X and Y, an angle, and a length instead of a second point.
00:16:55.110 Each line of `VLine` takes one coordinate and spans the whole window with your specified color. This is useful for plotting stuff.
00:17:01.320 Circle takes a middle point and a radius; this is the first primitive with an area, so it also takes a boolean declaring whether or not it’s filled.
00:17:08.900 Ellipse is just like a circle but takes two radius values.
00:17:15.150 Fast Rect is a filled rectangle that is always filled, taking an origin point on the bottom left, a width, a height, and a color.
00:17:22.740 This uses a lower-level drawing function that should be faster, but these days it probably isn’t anymore because everything is terribly fast.
00:17:30.000 Too fast, in fact! I had to add VSYNC to make things viewable.
00:17:42.740 Rect is the same as build rect, but it also takes a boolean for whether or not to fill.
00:17:48.419 Polygon takes any number of points and a color. I probably need to extend this to allow for filled polygons, but nobody's asked for that yet.
00:17:54.630 Bezier allows you to draw curves, but not in a terribly approachable way.
00:17:58.639 You kind of need to be more of a graphics expert for this. I’m not going to explain this one too much, but I want to add splines.
00:18:05.420 Here’s one of the busiest slides I've got.
00:18:12.880 Sprite that call on top takes dimensions and a block. During block execution, drawing goes into a separate canvas, and that image is returned.
00:18:19.260 Blit takes that image or any image and draws it at a location, potentially with an angle and/or scale.
00:18:25.140 Instead of using sprite to create a canvas, you can call `image` to load a bitmap from a file.
00:18:32.960 Render text takes a string, a color, and an optional font. There’s always a default font, and it returns an image.
00:18:39.850 Put is just like blit, except that it uses the bottom left corner as its origin.
00:18:51.280 Here, you can see it rotating on that corner, unlike the tank and turret from before. Text renders this string.
00:19:03.539 Finally, there are some helper functions to render the screen.
00:19:09.280 FPS prints the frames per second—it's a rough estimate, but it’s close enough.
00:19:15.660 Mouse returns the mouse state and I use that with the debug function that takes a format string and arguments.
00:19:22.160 It prints for debugging at the pixel level, or just for fun. You can also save the current screen as a PNG.
00:19:29.480 So let’s build up some real examples starting with generative art. I throw pottery; I enjoy it.
00:19:38.650 It’s fun to struggle with. I don’t feel the same way about computer art; the struggle isn’t fun.
00:19:43.990 A few months back, I had an interview where they asked me to generate art in the style of Piet Mondrian.
00:19:49.370 I could go on about Mondrian for a long time, but you should check out his work; it’s really good.
00:19:56.459 Normally, I would start with a hand-drawn sketch of what we're going for, but here we actually have a finished product to emulate.
00:20:04.710 We start where we always do—with a blank canvas.
00:20:09.420 I’ve added a grid to help visualize where we want to go.
00:20:14.760 It includes some stuff I won’t explain, mostly to make the slides more readable.
00:20:20.860 Let’s focus on the art method. We want thick lines that span the window.
00:20:27.140 We have the width and height of the window, so let’s first draw two lines: one vertically at 120 and one horizontally at 80.
00:20:33.680 The width is set to 20, which is the width of the lines that we’ll create.
00:20:39.380 Next, let’s use some helpers to generate a random number of grid-aligned X’s and Y’s, then we’ll draw them with the previous code.
00:20:44.680 It’s really not much different; there are just some loops.
00:20:49.970 This looks good; now we just need to fill in some regions.
00:20:55.330 As an aside, I love the fact that in Ruby, `rand` can take number ranges—it makes code prettier than the systems we used to use in C.
00:21:01.180 This is gross, I admit; I pulled it out for nerds.
00:21:07.150 I created a method for this slide; basically, we randomly pick some regions based on the X’s and Y’s generated earlier.
00:21:13.340 Then we find the area of those regions and fill them with a random primary color.
00:21:20.700 I hope this translates well on audio for the recording.
00:21:29.070 Honestly, that’s not bad, and yet they still didn’t offer me the job, nor did they provide me feedback on how I could improve.
00:21:36.900 So I wrote a blog post about it and published it with a question asking how they could treat interviewees better.
00:21:43.320 Now, onto something more relevant to your job: let's work out some basic data visualization.
00:21:50.100 Let’s say you have a lot of data, but you don’t yet know what it means. This is a simple example.
00:21:57.680 Gathering data and plotting something like message size over time spent to process.
00:22:03.620 As Rubyists, we’re incredibly good at gathering data, whether that’s parsing it out of text or pulling it from a database.
00:22:10.340 Getting the data is rarely a problem we face, so I won’t delve into how that data is gathered.
00:22:16.860 Let’s assume that we have it. Looking at just under a million data points and poking at it doesn’t help.
00:22:23.050 We need to visualize it and see if there's a visible correlation.
00:22:30.100 Typically, at this point, someone would likely suggest grabbing a whole new language like R.
00:22:36.000 It’s very good at importing and manipulating data, but it’s also a pain and may be overkill if you're not doing serious statistics.
00:22:44.480 Others may suggest using Excel, as it has great plotting capabilities, but getting large datasets into a spreadsheet is a hassle.
00:22:51.720 Now you have two problems, and we don’t have many good options in Ruby for this.
00:23:00.030 We reach for tools in other languages like R, D3 in JavaScript, and that keeps us from improving our own tooling.
00:23:07.460 I consider this a problem, and while I'm not solving it, I want to address it a bit.
00:23:15.340 We will start with a sketch of our system. That didn’t come through well, but whatever.
00:23:23.680 Basically, we’re going to create a very busy plot trying to show time over size to identify potential issues.
00:23:29.240 When I say sketch, I mean it—this is hand-drawn.
00:23:35.030 So as usual, we start with a basic subclass of simulation to make a blank window.
00:23:40.420 This time, I’ve declared a grid to help.
00:23:46.830 Let's change the initialize method to store the data being passed in, and scale it to the size of the window.
00:23:53.070 Then we’ll use group by to gather and count the same values and apply math log to keep the values similar.
00:24:00.060 Otherwise, everything will appear as a big black screen.
00:24:07.840 Now we can add the draw method. We simply walk over the data, plot a gray point at X and Y, and plot a translucent red circle at that point.
00:24:13.470 This will show where there’s a large spillover.
00:24:19.560 If you zoom in, you can see that the very light red is heavily spilling over in some areas.
00:24:26.950 These are areas you might want to investigate.
00:24:33.470 Now we know where to look, so have fun with it! Add features, label those axes, and input values.
00:24:41.929 Make it easier to repeat later. This might not be the right data to visualize, or the way to visualize it. You need to experiment to extract information from raw data.
00:24:49.070 Running simulations is why I wrote this library.
00:24:55.220 Here are some simple examples of how to do that, like Langton's ants, or Vance, which is short for virtual ants.
00:25:02.680 They live on a 2D plane and have a simple set of rules they execute each turn.
00:25:10.320 If an ant is on a white cell, it makes it black and turns left; if it’s on a black cell, it makes it white and turns right.
00:25:16.480 Then, the ant moves forward one and repeats.
00:25:22.420 Turns out they are Turing complete on a 2D surface, where their state includes their current position and direction.
00:25:28.680 This is what it looks like for a single ant after around 11,000 iterations of this rule.
00:25:34.920 As always, we start with a blank canvas.
00:25:41.800 I’m leaving out some mechanics for brevity, but otherwise, this looks the same.
00:25:47.130 This reads pretty close to the rules: if it’s white, set it to black and turn left; if it’s black, set it to white and turn right.
00:25:54.200 Finally, move it. Here it is after only a few turns.
00:26:00.620 This is how it looks after about 6,000 iterations—not bad! I like it.
00:26:06.930 Next is Boyd’s. Boyd’s is an artificial life program that simulates the flocking behavior in birds, fish, or other systems.
00:26:13.080 Wikipedia does a great job explaining this. It’s interesting! Boyd is also a New York metropolitan dialect pronunciation for bird.
00:26:20.370 Boyd's use a combination of simple rules to determine flocking behavior.
00:26:27.520 At a minimum, it requires cohesion, separation, and alignment.
00:26:34.250 But more forces can be added, like wind or water, for more accurate simulation.
00:26:40.900 So, we start with the usual setup: declaring a simulation with a white background and FPS display.
00:26:48.560 This was really slow to start, so I registered the body—25 Boyd's—and initialized them with random angles and speeds.
00:26:55.450 I declared that they should be drawn as simple black circles, with red lines showing their vectors.
00:27:01.790 Boyd’s try to fly towards the center—rule number one: cohesion.
00:27:07.520 Boyd's aim to fly towards the center of mass of nearby Boyd's. This is what this code does.
00:27:13.370 Calculate the center mass, find the difference, and return 1% of that.
00:27:21.140 Rule number two: separation. Boyd's try to keep a small distance from others.
00:27:27.960 This involves finding nearby Boyd's that are too close and calculating a vector slightly away from them.
00:27:35.380 Rule number three: alignment. Boyd's try to match the velocity of their nearby Boyd's.
00:27:40.680 This simply involves calculating the difference in average velocities.
00:27:47.160 Now, each turn, sum those vectors and add them to the current velocity, clamped to a limit.
00:27:53.200 Finally, at the bottom, we move and wrap around the window.
00:27:59.120 Here’s the final result. Very quickly, the flocking behavior takes over, and they converge while maintaining a safe distance from each other.
00:28:05.120 Simple rules add up to very organic-feeling behavior.
00:28:11.410 Let’s dissect that tank game from the gallery. I won’t implement the whole thing here for time…
00:28:17.760 but I want to show how to do interactivity.
00:28:22.990 Of course, we start with a sketch of what we’re going to do.
00:28:28.580 Nothing fancy—just a simple tank with an independent turret in an arena.
00:28:34.200 We sketch that up and formulate the behavior we want.
00:28:39.970 For now, the tank will be moved by the arrow keys while ‘S’ turns the turret.
00:28:45.720 Everything else, like firing, is an exercise for the viewer.
00:28:51.050 As always, we start with a blank canvas and initialize the tank to the middle.
00:28:58.200 We need to add a turret for an angle independent of the body angle.
00:29:04.080 Now, we draw our tank into a sprite.
00:29:10.370 Protip: this is incredibly error-prone, so give your tank a different color until you figure out all the coordinates.
00:29:15.770 Draw extra boundaries and diagonals to help you gauge your positions.
00:29:21.300 Little adjustments will help a lot, and then we use blit to place the tank and turret on the canvas.
00:29:28.120 At this point, the game starts, and you can see the tank just sitting in the middle.
00:29:34.520 While it’s boring without functionality, let's give the tank the ability to turn and move.
00:29:40.480 Once that’s working correctly, we can plug in those event handlers using add key handler.
00:29:46.290 We can declare the handlers and have them control the state of the tank.
00:29:52.080 Here is our final result for this talk, at least! Obviously, this can easily be extended.
00:29:59.040 Consider adding firing bullets, sound effects, multiple tanks, targets, scoring, etc.
00:30:05.080 I simply can’t fit all of that into this talk, so here are the patterns we've seen so far.
00:30:15.980 Start with a sketch—figure out what you want to see.
00:30:22.160 Next, determine the behavior rules, then start coding with a blank canvas.
00:30:28.050 Build things up individually—don’t try to do everything at once.
00:30:34.400 This is too much stuff! If you're unsure, start expanding through drawing.
00:30:40.540 Get all your images, sprites, and backgrounds in place. Move to simulation when you have more dynamic behaviors.
00:30:46.300 Using MVC works well here: the model mostly consists of body instances, while the view has all bodies with an external draw routine.
00:30:52.880 The controller is the simulation running the update and draw loop while maintaining shared state.
00:30:58.740 I think the declarative form of coding works very well for graphical programming, so push towards doing less in your methods.
00:31:05.360 Consider using decorator modules instead—just remember to always call super, otherwise things might not show up.
00:31:14.280 Hopefully this talk has convinced you that you could benefit from an added visualization tool in your toolbox and that graphics is a good fit.
00:31:22.900 Thank you!
00:31:34.140 The question is, what lies underneath?
00:31:39.190 Yes, it is a C library called LibSDL, and the unreleased version of this code that’s coming soon has switched from SDL1 to SDL2.
00:31:47.170 This switch has improved performance significantly, allowing pixel-perfect colors, and better alpha blending.
00:31:52.180 So it’s an improvement!
00:31:58.780 Is it possible to do this in Ruby? I don’t see why not.
00:32:07.720 There’s a small C extension providing the wrapper to SDL, so it should work the same.
00:32:14.740 What limitations do I currently see? I don’t think there are enough decorators.
00:32:19.840 I also believe there aren’t enough drawing primitives; Josh Cheikh has used this a lot.
00:32:26.320 He’s requested features like thick lines instead of having to create them manually.
00:32:33.760 Now that I’ve switched to SDL2, the performance problems have faded.
00:32:39.430 I went from 30 frames per second to 200 frames per second by switching to SDL2.
00:32:44.920 I actually had to slow the game down; otherwise, simulations would pass before you could see anything.
00:32:52.960 As for coloring aspects, there are improvements here, too.
00:32:58.840 I hate eyeballs and brains; color perception is very complex.
00:33:06.100 Turns out, magenta isn’t an actual color, and brightness intensity can be very challenging.
00:33:13.059 If you want to do scientific visualizations, you’ll face difficulty due to intensity differentials.
00:33:21.100 If you use color systems like HSV, they may present challenges as blues are darker than reds and yellows.
00:33:29.800 You could end up with vastly different intensity variations.
00:33:37.780 A color map called HCl tries to address color perception differences.
00:33:44.050 This can also create nil values and mess up your visuals.
00:33:51.300 So, I’ll need to figure out how to overcome these challenges.
00:33:56.420 I'm still exploring options.
00:34:03.750 What do I suggest for testing?
00:34:09.040 While doing these things, definitely test your models from head to toe.
00:34:17.400 You don’t have to test emergent behavior; that will materialize on its own.
00:34:24.440 So, I would test all models thoroughly, but not necessarily the view code.
00:34:31.300 If I did, I’d save off a bitmap and attempt to compare it against a golden sample, but I dislike golden tests.
00:34:37.470 The controller and view code work simply—the way they operate is primarily declarative.
00:34:46.110 I don’t see the value in testing declarative code, which is usually straightforward.
00:34:54.560 Headless operation is, of course, totally possible! However, I have been considering breaking out the graphic aspects.
00:35:02.580 So the graphics would be separate from simulation, allowing purely numeric operations.
00:35:10.310 There’s a logging function that lets you register a logger to run every hundred ticks.
00:35:18.770 You could easily avoid creating a window and have your routine perform the update loop while logging instead of the update and draw.
00:35:26.270 I haven’t completely separated that yet, but it would certainly only require ten lines of code to do it.
00:35:32.920 You could change the initializer around to avoid adding the window and keep everything else the same.
00:35:39.430 And I can absolutely add that functionality!
00:35:46.520 Lastly, is it possible to add new primitives if you're okay coding in C?
00:35:53.130 It's totally possible! I’m currently using SDL GFX as an extender of the standard primitives.
00:36:02.840 I’ve wrapped all but 15 of them, and am switching from SGE to GFX. I haven’t wrapped everything yet, but that’s coming.
00:36:12.280 The problem is that SGE also provided my collision detection bitmap comparator.
00:36:19.410 But I only have 30 more seconds!
00:36:25.979 The demonstrations were just a few code snippets, so I hope you’ve enjoyed it!
00:36:33.370 The default background color is black, with the white decorators on all these slides.
00:36:40.410 I used them in all slides since I was worried about light in the room and dim projector.
00:36:47.100 But you can clear to any color! You could also blit a texture onto the background if you wanted.
00:36:52.870 I think that’s all the time we have, so thank you very much!
00:37:00.000 [Continuing background applause]