RubyConf 2019



by Third Coast Comedy Club

The video features an improv performance by the Third Coast Comedy Club at RubyConf 2019. The session involves comedic improvisation where performers create a play on the spot based on audience suggestions. The host engages the audience by asking for their names and applause for those with experience in theater, which builds rapport and encourages participation.

Key points include:

- Audience Interaction: The host solicits suggestions from the audience, including favorite song lyrics, movie quotes, and physical activities with emotions to guide their improv. Audience encouragement plays a key role in shaping the improvisation.

- Creation of Original Content: The audience-generated title "It Was a Long Time Ago" serves as the foundation for a spontaneous play, showcasing how collaborative input can lead to creative storytelling.

- Guided Improvisation: After selecting a variety of suggestions, performers enact scenes based on the audience's input, illustrating the spontaneity and adaptability required in improv comedy.

- Panel of Experts: A comedic panel featuring personas such as a blockbuster manager and a Fabergé egg collector adds a layer of humor discussing various life topics, from existential themes to light-hearted advice on relationships.

- Collaborative Performances: Additional audience volunteers are called upon to assist performers, exemplifying teamwork in improv and keeping the audience engaged. Scenarios explored include misunderstandings in relationships, and suggestions of everyday settings like a subway platform and airplane, creating humorous situations.

- Final Stand-Up Routine: The performance culminates with improvised stand-up comedy based on audience-suggested objects, like a spatula, reinforcing the comedic spontaneity that defines the session.

The takeaway from this event is the fun and creative energy that emerges in improvisational comedy. It highlights the importance of audience participation, originality, and collaborative spirit in performance art, leaving attendees entertained and involved in the art of improv.

00:00:12.360 Without further ado, if I could, I'd like to introduce Third Coast Comedy. Thank you all so much for coming out and seeing us today. We're excited to be a part of the Ruby Conference. We are going to be doing improv, as you heard, which means everything you're about to see for the next half hour is going to be completely made up on the spot with the help of your suggestions.
00:00:27.520 So we'll be coming to you throughout the afternoon for those suggestions. But on the count of three, I just want to get warmed up and get to know each other better. Everyone just shout your name out for me on the count of three. One, two, three!
00:00:40.840 Fantastic! I heard Margarette and Phil. Nice to meet you all! So, the first thing we're going to do is get a round of applause from anyone who has seen a play before. And how about a round of applause for anyone who has actually written a play before? Wow, we have some playwrights in the audience!
00:01:12.340 So, what was the name of your play? Ah, 'It Was a Long Time Ago' - that's a great name! Today, we're going to write a play, but first, we need to get our improvisers out of here. I need one person to stand up and go outside with our improvisers so they can't hear what we're talking about.
00:01:36.520 On the count of three, we're going to tell our improvisers to get out of here. Ready? One, two, three! If I can have one person step outside, we can start preparing. Excellent, we’re ready to go. Now, once they leave, I’ll need some suggestions from all of you.
00:02:04.480 First, let’s start with some of your favorite song lyrics. For instance, mine would be 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' or 'Oops, I Did It Again.' Shout out some of your favorite lyrics! 'Twist and Shout,' 'Pour Some Sugar On Me' - great choices!
00:02:37.250 Now how about some of your favorite movie quotes? For example, 'I'll Be Back' or 'You Can’t Handle the Truth' are classics. What else do you have? 'There’s a Beverage Here, Man' or 'Aim for the Bushes' – great, keep 'em coming!
00:03:06.480 Now, I need some physical activities you’d like to see our improvisers perform, such as doing burpees, high-fiving, or chopping wood. But we want some emotion to go with chopping wood! How about a romantic lead chopping wood? Excellent! Give me another physical activity!
00:03:35.730 Roller skating? Fantastic! And what emotion should we see with roller skating? Curiosity, alright! Now one more physical activity – mowing the lawn! And what emotion? I heard 'sad,' that works perfectly.
00:04:29.850 Let's bring our improvisers back in! On the count of three, let's say, 'Come back in here!' Ready? One, two, three! Come back in here! Excellent! Now, the last thing I need from you all is a title for this play that has never been written before. What can you suggest?
00:05:11.330 'It Was a Long Time Ago' - thank you very much! Now, I present to you the opening and closing of our play, 'It Was a Long Time Ago.'
00:05:36.610 'It's good to see you after all these years!' 'I suppose it is. You look the exact same as the day I broke your heart.' 'Thank you, I’ve worked very hard.'
00:06:08.450 'Let me see the back of your head. Sorry, that's not the kind of relationship we have.' 'I just… I don’t want too much knowledge at one time.' 'No, just dangerous nowadays.' 'Look at you, though! I mean, you're so frail. You're the smartest person I know!' 'I don't know if I want to be like you.'
00:06:59.790 'I've been trying to end it for 47 years!' 'Let me help you.' 'I get it, you want to put me in a big mason jar.' 'No, just take a glance!' 'Oh, it's like a cage of clear glass!'
00:07:55.770 Alright, you all have been hearing a lot of keynotes and expert speakers. We've got a panel of experts here that we've brought to this conference to answer any questions you have about anything in life. This is your chance to ask and receive those answers.
00:08:25.180 We've got three amazing panelists today. I'm going to let them introduce themselves before we start the Q&A. First, sir, could you tell us a little about yourself?
00:08:52.260 Sure! I am Kyle Williams, a mid-2000s blockbuster manager. Good to be here! Thank you! I'm Eva, and I collect Fabergé eggs. Amazing! And you, sir?
00:09:13.400 My name is Wyatt. I just finished my sophomore year at Ball State – go Balls! I also just dropped out of economics and finished one semester of CSS, and I'm finishing that too. Fantastic!
00:09:36.990 Alright, let’s hear it for our panel of experts! Who has a question they've always wanted to know the answer to? Perhaps about the meaning of life or what happens after death? Or, who is God?
00:09:56.710 Let’s start with the first expert. Who is God? Well, there are a number of different representations of God. Morgan Freeman has often played God in films, but really, I would say God is the big budget companies and studios that are sort of taking over.
00:10:02.880 I don’t want to go on a rant about independent movies, but I think they are playing God in many ways with their takeover of artistic endeavors. Yes, indeed!
00:10:25.800 Wyatt, what do you think? 'God' has a different definition for me. It's Adam Dithers, the founding father of Pike. He created test banks, and that has been our savior ever since.
00:10:38.440 Anyone have relationship advice or personal life advice they need? Yes, what's the machine to impress the most ladies at the gym? I think we all want to know that! At the gym, I recommend using the herb – it's all about getting in shape.
00:10:59.840 But if you're trying to impress, go for the leg press – ten times out of ten! Thank you, Wyatt. Any other questions? Yes, Thanksgiving is King. Any questions about Thanksgiving or family?
00:11:27.240 Yes, I've got two teenagers. They just don’t seem to appreciate anything anymore. They want everything instantly! Sounds like boarding school is the answer. I feel that - my girlfriend Daphne just told me we'll be having two teenagers too.
00:11:55.200 Now, we need two volunteers from the audience. You won’t have to say anything; just come on up! I see two people in the middle. Let’s give them a round of applause!
00:12:18.210 Hello, what’s your name? Dion? Great! And your name? Monica. Alright! Monica will be paired with Luke, and Dion, you will be paired with Alison. They will perform a scene, but they won’t be able to move their own bodies.
00:12:43.830 Instead, you will move their body parts as they need. Keep up! Were you gentle with them? They are not only performers but are also human – we have shows this weekend.
00:13:08.290 Can I get a relationship type, non-familial, to work with for this scene? How about a student and teacher? Perfect! Moving on!
00:13:25.690 'You're not doing so well.' 'I've stopped trying. I can do everything by myself. I don’t want too much knowledge at one time.' 'Dangerous nowadays.' 'Look at you, though! You're the smartest person I know!' 'I don’t want to be like you!' 'I've been trying to end it for 47 years.' 'Let me help you!'
00:13:56.790 'I’ll put you in a mason jar. Just take a glance!' For this next piece, we need two volunteers willing to let us use their phone to read a text thread.
00:14:29.880 Now we will be reading that out loud. Does anyone have a group text or a juicy text thread? Let’s see it! Alright! You’ve got it pulled up. We will not go any further on your phone, just that one thread.
00:14:58.720 Keep it good. Is it in German? Alright, here we go! My friend will only be able to say what’s on the phone while his partner can say whatever he wants!
00:15:30.250 So let’s get started with a suggestion! Can I have a location that would be fitting for this scene? A subway platform? Perfect!
00:16:04.710 'Welcome back, long time no see! Looks like my 40th birthday party will be happening Saturday evening, December 21st.' 'Are you coming?' 'I hope to see you there!'
00:16:39.620 'There are too many German speakers around here!' 'Hi! What's up?' 'Glad you're here!'
00:17:09.390 'Is it hard to let your bartender know you appreciate them from time to time?' 'I think we're out of pilsners!' 'Alright, are you going to be in Portland over Christmas?'
00:17:51.930 'I want to relax and ditch this old saloon life! I want to enjoy the pine trees!' 'Are you coming or not?' 'Seriously, we want you there!'
00:18:19.680 Alright, for this next piece, we need two more volunteers. Nothing scary, just come up and help our actors with their next scene!
00:18:54.480 We want sound effects from you for our next scene. Nothing is a wrong choice. Let’s give it a shot!
00:19:24.350 A suggestion for the scene, please! Something like an airplane? Cool!
00:19:31.300 'Please be careful; my bag and dog are already up there!' 'It's your trip, and he hates to be petted.'
00:19:51.740 'Did you just break wind?' 'I don't think that's appropriate!' 'Just a little misunderstanding.'
00:20:08.920 The performers nailed it. Thank you all for your great energy!
00:20:40.400 Finally, we'd like to indulge everyone's fantasy of becoming a stand-up comedian! We’ll do it totally improvised based on your suggestions.
00:21:06.810 Can I get a non-sexual object suggestion? A spatula? Right on, here we go!
00:21:30.360 '185 Germans walk into a bar and the bartender says, ‘You got anything to munch?’ Well, it’s all very German!'
00:21:47.489 'Let’s switch it up again. Got any other suggestions?' 'How about a chimney sweep?'
00:22:09.200 'I like my men like I like my chimney sweeps - they are good at going up or down!'
00:22:27.320 Finally, thank you all so very much for coming here today. Another round of applause for Third Coast Comedy Club!