Better callbacks in Rails 5

Better callbacks in Rails 5

by Claudio Baccigalupo


In this presentation at RailsConf 2015, Claudio Baccigalupo discusses the changes introduced in Rails 5 regarding callback chains and the necessary adjustments developers need to make to their codebases. The traditional method of returning false to halt callbacks is deprecated, necessitating a clearer and more explicit way to manage these control flows.

Key Points

  • Deprecated Behavior: The reliance on returning false to stop a callback chain is no longer valid in Rails 5. This modification specifically affects codebases utilizing ActiveSupport, ActiveRecord, ActiveModel, or ActiveJob.
  • New Methodology: Developers are now required to explicitly raise exceptions in order to appropriately halt callback chains. This leads to improved clarity in code, making behaviors more predictable and readable.
  • Backward Compatibility: Rails 5 attempts to maintain some level of backward compatibility. While existing code will still function, it will trigger warnings about deprecated practices, encouraging developers to update their code for greater reliability.
  • Code Review and Adaptation: Developers are advised to conduct audits of their existing applications. Identifying and revising the use of callbacks will be crucial in aligning with the new Rails 5 standards.
  • Opportunities for Improvement: The transition to using exceptions instead of implicit false returns is presented as an opportunity to refine coding standards. Clearer practices will lead to reduced bugs and enhance maintainability in applications.
  • Emphasis on Learning: Baccigalupo encourages the community to adapt to these new standards proactively and to share experiences for collective growth. The shift toward explicitness in callbacks is positioned as an evolution of the Rails framework.


The changes in Rails 5 necessitate a shift in how developers handle callbacks, moving from implicit behaviors to explicit control via exceptions. While this transition may involve some initial learning curve, it promises more robust and maintainable code in the long run. As the community adapts to these changes, open discussions and collaboration will be vital for navigating this evolution in Rails practices.

00:00:11.410 My name is Angela, and I'm a member of the Prince-Bishop community. When I feel angry, it means that I care about making Rails a better framework. One of the things that people love about Rails is... it’s not about this complexity; I want to talk to you about all of this.
00:00:21.279 In Rails 5, the old way of returning false to implicitly halt a callback chain will not work anymore. This change will impact any codebase using ActiveSupport, ActiveRecord, ActiveModel, or ActiveJob. Methods like before_action, before_save, and before_validation will require developers to explicitly throw an exception to halt the chain.
00:00:55.180 This talk will explain the motivations behind the new default, delve into the internals of Rails to show the actual code, and help developers and gem maintainers safely upgrade their applications to Rails 5.
00:01:03.170 So, you might be wondering, what exactly does this change mean? One key aspect of this change is the improved clarity regarding callback chains and their expected behaviors.
00:01:10.990 Before Rails 5, returning false in callback methods would stop the execution of subsequent callbacks. However, this behavior was often not clear or predictable, which led to developers experiencing unexpected results.
00:01:25.899 In Rails 5, if you want to halt a callback chain, you need to explicitly raise an exception. This makes it clearer for anyone reading your code what is intended to happen at any point in the callback chain. This improvement aims to reduce the reliance on implicit behavior that can lead to hard-to-find bugs.
00:01:51.310 As a part of the transition, Rails maintains backward compatibility to some extent. Existing code will continue to function, but it will issue warnings about deprecated behaviors. It pushes developers to update their code for improved reliability and maintainability.
00:02:07.310 To navigate these changes effectively, developers need to identify areas in their existing Rails applications where callbacks are utilized. They must ensure that exceptions are thrown at the appropriate points in the callback chain to manage flow control.
00:02:28.690 I hope to convey that even though these changes might initially seem daunting, they are beneficial for structuring more robust and intuitive code. Rails 5 will enable you to have better control over the callbacks, which ultimately leads to fewer surprises in your application behavior.
00:02:56.470 Moving forward, developers should familiarize themselves with the new practices around callbacks, ensuring they adhere to the explicit nature of these operations. This includes understanding when to use exceptions effectively and how they tie into other aspects of Rails.
00:03:32.290 This transition is an opportunity to refine your coding standards and practices. Embracing these changes can ultimately make your applications more predictable and easier to maintain.
00:04:05.030 As we delve deeper into Rails 5, I encourage developers to embrace this explicitness and to see it as an evolution of how Rails is structured as a framework. Once you adapt your mindset, working with callbacks in Rails 5 will become second nature.
00:04:17.000 Let me point out that this is a good time to conduct an audit of your current applications. Look at how you've structured callbacks, and align them with the new Rails 5 standards. This proactive approach will pay off in smoother upgrades and fewer headaches in the future.
00:04:40.390 In conclusion, while the transition to Rails 5 may require some effort, it promotes better coding practices and a clearer understanding of your application’s behavior. Let’s take a step back and rethink how we leverage callbacks in our Rails applications.
00:05:00.000 Thank you for your attention, and I hope this information helps you as you look to upgrade to Rails 5. Let's keep the conversation going and share experiences as we all navigate this transition together.
00:05:12.000 Now, let's open the floor to questions. I look forward to discussing any concerns or thoughts you have on this topic. Remember, this is a learning experience for all of us, and sharing insights can help us grow as developers in this vibrant Rails community.