Excellence Through Diversity

Excellence Through Diversity

by Andreas Fast

The video, titled "Excellence Through Diversity," presented by Andreas Fast at RailsConf 2016, emphasizes the significance of embracing diversity within teams to enhance their overall performance and innovation. Fast reflects on how human differences, such as cultural backgrounds and personal experiences, play a pivotal role in shaping perspectives and capabilities. Here are the key points discussed throughout the talk:

  • Diversity of Perspectives: Fast illustrates how diverse backgrounds lead to varying perspectives, which are crucial in any team setting. He uses the example of color blindness to show how different individuals perceive the world uniquely and how this can create both challenges and complementary strengths in teamwork.

  • The Importance of Communication: Effective communication is highlighted as vital for navigating differences and fostering collaboration as a team. Fast stresses that understanding and discussing differences can prevent misunderstandings that may escalate into larger issues.

  • Adaptation and Learning: Drawing from personal experiences of being color blind, Fast shares anecdotes about adapting his cooking methods and recognizing colors, emphasizing that the ability to adapt and learn from differences can lead to innovative solutions in a professional environment.

  • Team Dynamics and Roles: Fast draws a parallel between sports teams and workplace teams, explaining how just as teams require diverse positions and skills to succeed in sports, workplaces benefit from diversity of thought and experience. A homogenous team may struggle, while a diverse team can better achieve its goals.

  • Building a Cohesive Team Culture: He underscores the necessity of hiring individuals who complement each other’s skills rather than just focusing on attracting the top candidates. A team should consist of members who share common goals and values, which fosters unity and enhances decision-making.

  • Innovation Through Diversity: Fast concludes that embracing diversity and encouraging mutual respect among team members leads to greater innovation and helps organizations exceed expectations. He argues that the collective effort of a diverse team can accomplish remarkable things when everyone feels included and valued.

In summary, the video advocates for recognizing and celebrating individual differences as a pathway to create a collaborative team culture that thrives on diversity. By fostering an inclusive environment, teams can harness the strengths of their members to drive success and meet common goals.

00:00:10 My name is Andreas Fast, and I'm from Uruguay. I work for Movid, and surprisingly, I've found that many people actually know where Uruguay is. That's cool! We're a small country located between Brazil and Argentina. To give you an idea of size, Brazil is a little larger than the contiguous United States, while Argentina is about four times the size of Texas. Uruguay is roughly the size of Missouri, which I find kind of neat. We just have about half the population of Missouri, but otherwise, it’s quite similar.
00:00:49 One thing that distinguishes us is that Uruguay has the highest level of software exports per capita in South America, which is pretty cool. There’s a lot of software development happening in Uruguay. We also love barbecue, which in our country we call 'asado.' It's quite popular everywhere, and I’ve heard that barbecue is also a big thing in Kansas City, which I hope to try while I’m here.
00:01:07 In Uruguay, we love to drink mate. If you think of coffee in the US, that's what mate is like for us. It's something like green tea but not quite, as it’s made from a different leaf. It serves as an energy drink for many of us. Another thing we love is soccer, and I hear some of you recognize one of our best players. We definitely love him, and at times, we may even hate him for some of the things he does on the pitch, but at the end of the day, we’re all humans.
00:01:37 Now, let’s dive into the topic of 'Excellence Through Diversity.' I want to start with humankind. What can we say about humankind? I think one of the defining aspects is that we’re great. Throughout history, we have accomplished many amazing things from spectacular buildings to incredible technology advancements, especially in recent centuries.
00:02:01 However, another important fact is that we're also very different from one another. We come from diverse backgrounds, have different upbringings, and cultures, and these differences contribute to our varying perspectives on almost any topic. Humans have been known to engage in arguments over the most bizarre subjects.
00:02:30 Today, I'd like to present a different perspective on this topic of viewpoint. My story ties into that. Let me show you a quick test: who can see the number on the screen? (Shows Ishihara test). This is known as an Ishihara test, which is used to determine color blindness. Typically, individuals who are not color blind will see the number eight, while those who are color blind, like me, see a three. Some might not see anything at all.
00:03:04 Let’s try another image — who can see anything in the next one? (Continues with test). For those who are color blind, it can be difficult to see certain things. You might not even recognize a number present in the image. This illustrates that we have very different perspectives regarding what we see and what we recognize.
00:03:25 This leads me to ask: which perspective is true? Is there an eight? Is there a three? I’ll leave that question hanging for a bit.
00:03:36 These differences often come with challenges. For instance, when I was growing up, I struggled to know if fruit was ripe or not. I’d end up eating one fruit that was really sweet, while the next might taste awful, and I wouldn’t visually understand what I was doing wrong. Eventually, I learned to adapt by looking for other indicators, like black spots on bananas to determine ripeness.
00:04:13 I’ve also had to adapt my cooking, especially regarding barbecue. When cooking meat, knowing if it’s done can be tricky, which adds to the fun of grilling. Then there’s clothing. Imagine it's St. Patrick’s Day, and you show up wearing red instead of green. I've never done that, but I always ask my wife for clothing advice to avoid such mishaps.
00:04:48 I also struggle a bit with identifying skin color changes; it's hard for me to tell if someone is sunburned or pale, which can lead to some awkward social situations. It’s just another way our differing perspectives play a role in human interaction.
00:05:17 The last example I'd like to share is that I discovered I was color blind while playing card games as a young adult. I had no idea until then. I was at a gathering, and a friend pointed out that the card I threw down was green when we were supposed to play red. It was quite the revelation for me.
00:05:56 Not all aspects of being color blind are frustrating, though. Interestingly, there’s evidence suggesting that color blind individuals might have better night vision. I've been told that the military seeks out color blind individuals for certain tasks, as they can see specific patterns that others might miss. The point is that living with color blindness has trained my brain to rely more on other perceptions, like shape and texture, rather than solely on color.
00:06:47 In the workplace, those differences can also present challenges. Just a few weeks ago, a client asked for colors to be changed on a project I was working on. They wanted specific colors for their pop-ups, but since I sometimes struggle with distinguishing shades, it can make that communication tricky. Awareness of these differences is key in a team setting.
00:07:30 Having these conversations about our differences can help create better understanding and collaboration in a team. It's essential to communicate these challenges openly so that everyone can work together effectively.
00:08:00 One interesting note is the impact that perspective can have during design work. For color blind individuals, the process of perceiving designs is quite different, as we may focus on contrast and shapes rather than color alone. That brings me to one of my beliefs: communication is crucial. In a diverse team, understanding and sharing our perspectives can build a stronger foundation for collaboration.
00:08:55 When you're on a team, it’s vital to recognize that we have diverse experiences, which can lead to great discussions. But without a good culture of communication, misunderstandings can snowball into larger issues. It is important to be respectful and mindful of each other's perspectives.
00:09:44 Strength comes from our differences, but it’s essential we cultivate understanding rather than division. Consider a sports team; a basketball team wouldn’t succeed with players who all play the same position.
00:10:29 Bringing this back to teams and organizations: in the same way that a sports team needs diverse roles to succeed, so too does a workplace benefit from a diversity of perspectives and skills. If we let our differences create division, it can lead to the breakdown of the team. Let’s work to recognize and celebrate our differences.
00:11:04 As we embrace diversity, it's key not to dwell on the negatives each individual difference might pose but rather find ways to harness those differences into strengths. When there’s mutual respect for one another’s capabilities, teams can achieve remarkable results. We enter uncharted territories when differences are combined effectively.
00:12:16 As I ponder how we can make a team exceed expectations, I realize there's a fine balance in nurturing both teamwork and individuality. Are teams simply a group of individuals, or are they united on a bigger mission?
00:12:54 At my company, we sometimes feel the pressure to hire the top applicants among all interviews. But is hiring according to percentages the right approach? It’s essential to understand how building a cohesive team involves beyond just employing the top applicants. Keeping this balance leads to a real team culture rather than just a collection of skilled individuals.
00:13:36 There must be a strong sense of unity forged from shared values and goals. If the individuals share common ground, it will help guide decision-making and avoid unnecessary complications arising from differing opinions. It’s okay to have differences but give them room to thrive.
00:14:17 Diversity is richer when it effectively combines instead of forcing uniformity. Mutual respect allows a more profound connection to form, yet it’s when we gather content from varied experiences that we reach powerful collaborations.
00:15:12 Stress that everyone on the team is valuable but know that the team’s success comes from the collective work. Understand that the hottest players don’t always win games; teams with balanced players win championships.
00:15:54 At Movit, we operate on the principle that your skills and experiences contribute to the overall success of the team, not just your individual performance. When we become aware of our differences, we create a powerful synergy that promotes growth and innovation.
00:16:32 When it comes to hiring, approach with purpose. Do not settle for hiring the same type of people repeatedly. Diversity is vital for innovation. Understand what each position needs when you are seeking a new hire.
00:17:05 Strive to build a diverse team with individuals that complement each other’s differences. Use your insights from prior experiences to support team success and create a thriving work environment.
00:17:45 In summary, when you’re building a team, let's value how we each think differently, remember that it’s about the team and not individual performance. Don’t get lured into thinking that hiring homogeneously will yield better results.
00:18:18 Remember: a collaborative team can surpass expectations. Embrace the blend of perspectives and ideas and create a space where everyone feels included!
00:18:54 In organizing a cohesive unit, always keep in mind that our goals need to be clear. Values should guide the team’s operations. Understanding where you want to go will keep everyone moving in the same direction.
00:19:51 Ultimately, let's continue to celebrate our uniqueness and work towards building an environment rich in diversity through understanding and respect. I think we can achieve amazing things together if we know how to harness our differences.
00:20:28 Thank you!