Component-Based Architecture
Get Started with Component-based Rails Applications!
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Get Started with Component-based Rails Applications!

by Stephan Hagemann

In the video titled "Get Started with Component-based Rails Applications!" by Stephan Hagemann, presented at RailsConf 2015, the focus is on structuring Rails applications to improve their manageability through a component-based architecture. Hagemann aims to help developers understand how they can regain control over large codebases by organizing their applications into smaller, manageable components. \n\nKey Points Discussed:\n- Introduction to Component-based Rails: The session begins with Hagemann expressing his interest in the attendees' motivations for being there, particularly those struggling with large codebases. He acknowledges the challenges of managing extensive applications and introduces the concept of component-based architecture as a solution.\n- The Benefits of Components: By introducing components, developers can visualize applications differently, leading to better collaboration and understanding. Components allow for clearer communication through directional relationships, enabling developers to focus on specific modules without necessitating extensive tests for unrelated code.\n- Reduced Complexity: Hagemann emphasizes that using components can effectively reduce the cognitive overhead of managing an application. Structuring an app with components simplifies onboarding for new team members and enhances overall code navigation.\n- Real-world Application: Hagemann utilizes a sample app, "Sports Ball," to demonstrate the practical application of these concepts. He guides the audience through the code structure, illustrating how certain functionalities can remain isolated within components, ultimately making code management easier.\n- Refactoring Strategies: The presentation discusses refactoring approaches, encouraging the audience to think about component interactions and separation of concerns when structuring applications. He stresses the importance of designing components that are focused and adaptable to various systems.\n- Regular Assessments: Hagemann suggests regular reviews of components to maintain clarity and usability, encouraging teams to document their structures for future reference and new team members.\n\nConclusion: Hagemann's talk encourages developers to embrace a component-based mindset to streamline their Rails applications. He concludes by motivating attendees to break down their code into essential parts and rebuild with a stronger structure, promoting long-term maintainability and adaptability of their applications.

00:00:12.400 Before we start, I want to know why you are here. I'm genuinely interested in what brings you to this workshop.
00:00:19.720 Does anyone here have an application with a code base of, say, a hundred thousand lines of code? If so, please raise your hand if you're looking for a change.
00:00:27.599 Okay, a couple of hands. That's cool. It can be frustrating to manage such a large code base.
00:00:33.640 Is anyone here frequently writing Rails apps, perhaps through consulting? Anyone doing that? Cool.
00:00:38.840 So, initially, I had a three-hour proposal. The second half was going to involve a really large code base that we aimed to deconstruct.
00:00:44.800 In reality, tearing apart a large code base takes months, not just 90 minutes, but it would have been a condensed session.
00:00:50.239 This part of the workshop focuses on refactoring from a sample app called 'Sports Ball'.
00:00:55.559 I hope that you will see how these ideas apply even in larger contexts.
00:01:01.440 Whenever you work with architecture, you create examples that might seem overly complicated for minor problems. That's going to happen again today, so bear with me.
00:01:08.280 Getting started with component-based Rails applications, I should introduce myself. My name is Stephan Hagemann.
00:01:15.320 I work for Pivotal Labs and fall into the category of developers who have built many Rails applications.
00:01:21.840 I've been involved with one client in particular for almost two and a half years, and the app we developed became really large.
00:01:30.479 We sought ways to bring more structure to the application without abandoning the monolithic architecture.
00:01:36.159 I continued this approach with almost every app I worked on thereafter.
00:01:42.720 It's a strange subject to talk about because if we were at a Java or Go conference, I wouldn't be giving this talk.
00:01:49.079 In many languages, structuring code within applications is a common topic, yet in Ruby, it remains an issue.
00:01:55.960 I've become somewhat obsessed with improving this situation.
00:02:02.719 If you want an overview, check out Confreaks for the talks I've given on this topic.
00:02:10.200 Despite this not being a typical talk but more of a lab session, I want to quickly answer the question: why would you want to pursue component-based Rails?
00:02:16.640 I see numerous benefits when you introduce a component as a tool in your Rails toolbox.
00:02:22.160 The main change is that you'll gain the ability to visualize the application differently, incorporating something akin to a graph.
00:02:28.760 Let me go through some examples to illustrate how vital this structure really is.
00:02:35.040 Even without knowing the context of the application, you can deduce that there is an importer related to programs, as indicated in the graph.
00:02:41.120 And, clearly, there's something going on involving sources and masters—likely some form of import and reconciliation.
00:02:48.560 The important takeaway is that we can talk about an application at a higher level.
00:02:55.560 Traditionally, Rails provided module names, but modules alone don’t offer this kind of hierarchy.
00:03:02.039 The important feature of components is that they incorporate directional arrows, which allow for clearer communication.
00:03:07.319 I can draw arrows from one box to another, but not in reverse, which is a critical aspect.
00:03:12.520 This structure makes it easier to collaborate on the application.
00:03:18.759 For instance, if I’m working on the Source module today, and you’re working on the User module, we can see how these fit together.
00:03:25.320 With this clarity, if I only change Source, then I don’t need to run tests for Masters, Programs, Reports, Users, and Styles.
00:03:31.920 My Source code doesn't interact with that other source code, so there’s no need to run those tests.
00:03:39.120 Similarly, there may be other parts of the code that are unaffected by my changes, meaning we can reduce testing efforts.
00:03:45.679 Ultimately, while everything remains a single application, we can optimize testing processes.
00:03:51.839 When you're ready to roll out a larger feature, you can place it within a component, effectively making it available during development.
00:03:58.760 You can control when it's visible to users, easily toggling it on or off with a single line of code.
00:04:04.039 For example, consider reports as an API; if we want to switch from a SOAP API to a JSON API, we can duplicate and rename the reports component.
00:04:10.560 We can gradually implement the changes, deprecating the former implementation when ready.
00:04:16.840 Underlying all these benefits is comprehension. You can easily manage and understand these components.
00:04:22.800 This facilitates onboarding for new team members and reduces cognitive overhead as it allows for easier navigation within the code.
00:04:29.159 The structure of the application becomes simpler and more intuitive.
00:04:36.079 Now that Ruby is installed, let's get started with the application.
00:04:41.440 I don't know if anyone has started it already, but this is a tiny app.
00:04:49.560 I used scaffolding to create the team pages here, featuring teams like the Falcons and Braves, who actually play against each other.
00:04:56.760 Interestingly, the Falcons won that game, which raises some questions because the Braves have a team as well.
00:05:03.240 The primary function of the app is to predict the outcome of games. For now, we only have one game where the Falcons emerged victorious.
00:05:09.520 So, this is what the app does, and I invite you to open the source code.
00:05:15.799 The structure of the application is interesting. If you look at the source code, the first thing you’ll notice is the presence of components.
00:05:21.600 Interestingly, there’s no app directory, meaning you can delete the application directory since you replicate it within a component.
00:05:27.880 When I refer to components, I mean gems and engines that are integrated within the codebase.
00:05:33.920 Yes, there is a components folder, but to grasp what is happening, the routes are crucial.
00:05:40.560 Inspecting the routes of the component reveals a more familiar structure.
00:05:46.160 You'll see the games, teams, and prediction routes. Please keep browsing the code and shout if you see something odd.
00:05:51.920 Now, I'll discuss how I view these components and their relationships.
00:05:57.840 The interesting aspect of the Gemfile is that it needs to load the application.
00:06:04.480 For instance, we have a gem app defined in line four, pulling from the required path.
00:06:09.040 Typically, this path is known for gems in development, where a local dependency is referenced, indicating another gem being developed.
00:06:16.720 In this case, however, it's about how many apps exist within this environment. When you bundle the application, it will show you everything.
00:06:23.720 This indicates that it’s looking for the app from the Source.
00:06:29.040 When we talk about engines, many developers assume they must be published. However, I believe they need not be published.
00:06:34.840 Instead, you will have a singular application that contains everything you need.
00:06:41.720 Yes, all files will still be present.
00:06:44.920 When you check the app, you'll find everything is organized and structured.
00:06:50.440 If we go through the files, there’s nothing unexpected. Everything is namespaced according to engine semantics.
00:06:57.440 The controller files—games, predictions, and teams—are all under respective namespaces, and we also find a welcome page.
00:07:05.840 Everything continues to operate normally. When we check the migrations, they are also appropriately placed.
00:07:11.880 The migrations for the component are namespaced, containing an appropriate naming convention.
00:07:18.000 You'll see migrations live within the engine structure, which is a common requirement, especially with engines and additional gems.
00:07:25.760 Remember earlier when I indicated that migration files should be isolated to their respective tables? You should adhere to that principle.
00:07:33.440 The important thing to note is that Ruby installations can become cumbersome.
00:07:39.440 I mentioned initially that I prefer to keep everything under a single component to avoid the hassle of dealing with multiple repositories or gem installations.
00:07:45.920 Maintaining a single codebase simplifies usage, ideally not needing to deal with migrations.
00:07:52.280 I explained earlier the benefits of having a single repository. As we discussed when bundling, grouping everything together makes life easier.
00:07:58.160 Taking components such as predictors and games and isolating them properly allows for easier navigation and maintenance.
00:08:05.360 So far, we've learned about the essence of refactoring toward a more component-based approach.
00:08:11.760 We now have better control over the application, and hopefully, you're starting to see the merit of applying components in your own work.
00:08:18.000 Next, let's examine how we can further break down components.
00:08:24.520 What does your integrated app look like when components start to interact?
00:08:32.000 Next, let's explore some refactoring options you'd consider for your Rails applications.
00:08:39.359 If I provided an example from another domain, say something related to user-management systems, you'd see the same challenges arise.
00:08:45.920 The goal is to create components that can be scalable and applicable across various systems.
00:08:52.440 While discussing the importance of separating concerns, how do you keep modules focused and prevent over-complexity?
00:09:00.000 We must also address the importance of maintaining clarity while making changes.
00:09:05.600 Relying on small, reusable components helps ensure this and should be part of your design philosophy.
00:09:11.920 The moment you rely on a handful of dedicated components, the application becomes highly maintainable.
00:09:16.880 This allows your team to quickly adapt and respond to changes in requirements without being overwhelmed by complexity.
00:09:23.040 When you begin breaking things down, ensure your components are meaningful. Each should serve a singular purpose rather than attempting to address everything.
00:09:34.000 Sometimes, you may have multiple narrow components that cater to a specific domain.
00:09:39.760 Once you've done your refactoring, it becomes essential to revisit your architecture.
00:09:46.000 You should always strive for clarity in your code as it reduces complexity.
00:09:53.760 Therefore, be ready to reassess your components often.
00:10:01.240 One suggestion is to conduct regular reviews and assessments of your codebase.
00:10:07.200 This maintains quality and ensures that components remain usable across contexts.
00:10:12.680 Having focused discussions on what each component is doing and adjusting them will make them invaluable.
00:10:19.440 This also helps in documenting for future reference or onboarding new colleagues.
00:10:26.600 A well-structured Rails application with an architectural approach fostering smaller components becomes much easier to tackle.
00:10:33.360 But it’s not just about structuring—it’s about the mindset you adopt towards component architecture.
00:10:39.480 Make decisions to build intuitive and comprehensible structures.
00:10:46.160 And ensure you're always fostering an environment that encourages feedback and improvement.
00:10:52.960 For consistency in your application, it's acceptable to lean into frameworks or patterns that already exist.
00:10:59.680 The trick is to make those components work seamlessly with one another, supporting the overarching application.
00:11:07.520 If you maintain discipline throughout, you will see the direct benefits this approach brings, especially as teams grow or change.
00:11:16.160 In conclusion, I hope this component-based approach to Rails has sparked some thoughts on how to streamline your own applications.
00:11:24.760 Shake hands with your code, break it down to its essential parts, and rebuild!
00:11:30.720 Thank you!
Explore all talks recorded at RailsConf 2015